+{ coreutils, jq, nix, nixfmt, syncthing, writeShellScriptBin, }:
+writeShellScriptBin "syncthing-set-id" ''
+ set -euo pipefail
+ PATH="${coreutils}/bin"
+ usage() {
+ cat <<< '
+ usage: syncthing-set-device-id file [name] [id]
+ example: syncthing-set-device-id /etc/nixos/modules/syncthing-devices.nix
+ example: syncthing-set-device-id /etc/nixos/modules/syncthing-devices.nix lappy
+ example: syncthing-set-device-id /etc/nixos/modules/syncthing-devices.nix lappy 1234567-89ABCDE-FGHIJKL-MNOPQRS-TUVWXYZ-0123456-789ABCD-EFGHIJK
+ If `name` is not specified, $HOSTNAME is used.
+ If `id` is not specified, the ID of the current system instance is used.
+ ' >&2
+ exit 1
+ }
+ [[ $# -lt 1 || "$1" == --help ]] && usage
+ file=$(realpath "$1")
+ name=''${2:-"$HOSTNAME"}
+ if (( $# < 3));then
+ configDir=$(${nix}/bin/nix eval --raw '(import <nixos/nixos> {}).config.services.syncthing.configDir')
+ id=$(${syncthing}/bin/syncthing -home="$configDir" -device-id)
+ else
+ id=$3
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -e "$file" ]];then
+ echo "Creating $file" >&2
+ echo '{}' > "$file"
+ fi
+ tmp=$(mktemp "$(dirname "$file")/.$(basename "$file").XXXXXXXXXX")
+ # Use `nix-instantiate --eval -E --json | jq -r` instead of `nix eval --raw` until
+ # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/2678 is fixed.
+ ${nix}/bin/nix-instantiate --eval -E --json \
+ --argstr file "$file" \
+ --argstr name "$name" \
+ --argstr id "$id" \
+ '
+ { file, name, id }:
+ let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { };
+ in pkgs.lib.generators.toPretty { } (pkgs.lib.recursiveUpdate (import file) {
+ services.syncthing.declarative.devices."''${name}".id = id;
+ })
+ ' | ${jq}/bin/jq -r | ${nixfmt}/bin/nixfmt > "$tmp"
+ mv "$tmp" "$file"