]> git.scottworley.com Git - syncthing-autoregister/summary
descriptionAutomatically update NixOS syncthing configuration
last changeMon, 3 Jun 2024 09:14:13 +0000 (02:14 -0700)
2024-06-03 Scott WorleyFollow renames in test data master
2024-06-03 Scott WorleyAdd stdenvNoCC back as a dep for nixos-rebuild
2024-06-03 Scott WorleyRefresh list of installer dependencies
2024-06-03 Scott WorleyPrefer modulesPath over <nixos/nixos/modules>
2024-06-03 Scott WorleyFollow nixfmt rename
2024-06-03 Scott WorleyFollow services.syncthing.devices rename
2022-04-22 Scott WorleyFollow services.syncthing.declarative rename
2022-04-22 Scott WorleyFollow nix version bump that changed the eval command...
2020-07-29 Scott WorleyVerify files sync after "nixos-rebuild switch"
2020-07-28 Scott WorleyFix race: Re-register on file change
2020-07-27 Scott WorleyVerify b's device ID gets set also
2020-07-27 Scott WorleygetDeviceFile() & putDeviceFile()
2020-07-27 Scott WorleyName hostDeviceIDFilename
2020-07-27 Scott WorleyCopy a's file over to b
2020-07-27 Scott WorleyName deviceIDFilename
2020-07-27 Scott WorleyAvoid race: Install initial configuration statically
9 months ago master