task.setAttribute("tabindex", "0");
task.setAttribute("data-created", timestamp);
task.setAttribute("data-state", "todo");
- document.getElementById("tasks")!.appendChild(task);
+ const tasks = document.getElementById("tasks")!;
+ tasks.insertBefore(task, tasks.firstElementChild);
return task;
if (!target) return null;
target.setAttribute("data-priority", `${priority}`);
for (const task of document.getElementsByClassName("task")) {
- if (task !== target && this.getPriority(task) > priority) {
+ if (task !== target && this.getPriority(task) < priority) {
task.parentElement!.insertBefore(target, task);
return target;
input.value = "";
if (event.getModifierState("Control")) {
- this.makeTopPriority(task);
+ this.makeBottomPriority(task);
if (dest instanceof HTMLElement) dest.focus();
+ makeBottomPriority: function (task: Element | null = null) {
+ if (!task) task = document.activeElement;
+ if (!task) return;
+ this.setPriority(task, document.getElementById("tasks")!.lastElementChild, null);
+ },
makeTopPriority: function (task: Element | null = null) {
if (!task) task = document.activeElement;
if (!task) return;
- this.setPriority(task, null, document.getElementsByClassName("task")[0]);
+ ui.setPriority(task.getAttribute("data-created")!, clock.now(), Model.getPriority(task));
+ task instanceof HTMLElement && task.focus();
moveCursor: function (offset: number): boolean {
// Change task's priority to be between other tasks a and b.
setPriority: function (task: Element, a: Element | null, b: Element | null) {
- const aPriority = a === null ? 0 : Model.getPriority(a);
- const bPriority = b === null ? clock.now() : Model.getPriority(b);
- console.assert(aPriority < bPriority, aPriority, "<", bPriority);
- const span = bPriority - aPriority;
- const newPriority = aPriority + 0.1 * span + 0.8 * span * Math.random();
- console.assert(aPriority < newPriority && newPriority < bPriority, aPriority, "<", newPriority, "<", bPriority);
+ const aPriority = a === null ? clock.now() : Model.getPriority(a);
+ const bPriority = b === null ? 0 : Model.getPriority(b);
+ console.assert(aPriority > bPriority, aPriority, ">", bPriority);
+ const span = aPriority - bPriority;
+ const newPriority = bPriority + 0.1 * span + 0.8 * span * Math.random();
+ console.assert(aPriority > newPriority && newPriority > bPriority, aPriority, ">", newPriority, ">", bPriority);
const newPriorityRounded = Math.round(newPriority);
- const okToRound = aPriority < newPriorityRounded && newPriorityRounded < bPriority;
+ const okToRound = aPriority > newPriorityRounded && newPriorityRounded > bPriority;
ui.setPriority(task.getAttribute("data-created")!, okToRound ? newPriorityRounded : newPriority, Model.getPriority(task));
task instanceof HTMLElement && task.focus();