]> git.scottworley.com Git - tattlekey/blob - housing/roundedCube.scad
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[tattlekey] / housing / roundedCube.scad
1 // Retrieved from https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4120804
3 /*
4 roundedCube() v1.0.3 by robert@cosmicrealms.com from https://github.com/Sembiance/openscad-modules
5 Allows you to round any edge of a cube
7 Usage
8 =====
9 Prototype: roundedCube(dim, r, x, y, z, xcorners, ycorners, zcorners, $fn)
10 Arguments:
11 - dim = Array of x,y,z numbers representing cube size
12 - r = Radius of corners. Default: 1
13 - x = Round the corners along the X axis of the cube. Default: false
14 - y = Round the corners along the Y axis of the cube. Default: false
15 - z = Round the corners along the Z axis of the cube. Default: true
16 - xcorners = Array of 4 booleans, one for each X side of the cube, if true then round that side. Default: [true, true, true, true]
17 - ycorners = Array of 4 booleans, one for each Y side of the cube, if true then round that side. Default: [true, true, true, true]
18 - zcorners = Array of 4 booleans, one for each Z side of the cube, if true then round that side. Default: [true, true, true, true]
19 - rx = Radius of the x corners. Default: [r, r, r, r]
20 - ry = Radius of the y corners. Default: [r, r, r, r]
21 - rz = Radius of the z corners. Default: [r, r, r, r]
22 - center = Whether to render the cube centered or not. Default: false
23 - $fn = How smooth you want the rounding to be. Default: 128
25 Change Log
26 ==========
27 2018-08-21: v1.0.3 - Added ability to set the radius of each corner individually with vectors: rx, ry, rz
28 2017-05-15: v1.0.2 - Fixed bugs relating to rounding corners on the X axis
29 2017-04-22: v1.0.1 - Added center option
30 2017-01-04: v1.0.0 - Initial Release
32 Thanks to Sergio Vilches for the initial code inspiration
33 */
35 // Example code:
37 /*cube([5, 10, 4]);
39 translate([8, 0, 0]) { roundedCube([5, 10, 4], r=1); }
40 translate([16, 0, 0]) { roundedCube([5, 10, 4], r=1, zcorners=[true, false, true, false]); }
42 translate([24, 0, 0]) { roundedCube([5, 10, 4], r=1, y=true, z=false); }
43 translate([32, 0, 0]) { roundedCube([5, 10, 4], r=1, x=true, z=false); }
44 translate([40, 0, 0]) { roundedCube([5, 10, 4], r=1, x=true, y=true, z=true); }
45 */
47 module roundedCube(dim, r=1, x=false, y=false, z=true, xcorners=[true,true,true,true], ycorners=[true,true,true,true], zcorners=[true,true,true,true], center=false, rx=[undef, undef, undef, undef], ry=[undef, undef, undef, undef], rz=[undef, undef, undef, undef], $fn=128)
48 {
49 translate([(center==true ? (-(dim[0]/2)) : 0), (center==true ? (-(dim[1]/2)) : 0), (center==true ? (-(dim[2]/2)) : 0)])
50 {
51 difference()
52 {
53 cube(dim);
55 if(z)
56 {
57 translate([0, 0, -0.1])
58 {
59 if(zcorners[0])
60 translate([0, dim[1]-(rz[0]==undef ? r : rz[0])]) { rotateAround([0, 0, 90], [(rz[0]==undef ? r : rz[0])/2, (rz[0]==undef ? r : rz[0])/2, 0]) { meniscus(h=dim[2], r=(rz[0]==undef ? r : rz[0]), fn=$fn); } }
61 if(zcorners[1])
62 translate([dim[0]-(rz[1]==undef ? r : rz[1]), dim[1]-(rz[1]==undef ? r : rz[1])]) { meniscus(h=dim[2], r=(rz[1]==undef ? r : rz[1]), fn=$fn); }
63 if(zcorners[2])
64 translate([dim[0]-(rz[2]==undef ? r : rz[2]), 0]) { rotateAround([0, 0, -90], [(rz[2]==undef ? r : rz[2])/2, (rz[2]==undef ? r : rz[2])/2, 0]) { meniscus(h=dim[2], r=(rz[2]==undef ? r : rz[2]), fn=$fn); } }
65 if(zcorners[3])
66 rotateAround([0, 0, -180], [(rz[3]==undef ? r : rz[3])/2, (rz[3]==undef ? r : rz[3])/2, 0]) { meniscus(h=dim[2], r=(rz[3]==undef ? r : rz[3]), fn=$fn); }
67 }
68 }
70 if(y)
71 {
72 translate([0, -0.1, 0])
73 {
74 if(ycorners[0])
75 translate([0, 0, dim[2]-(ry[0]==undef ? r : ry[0])]) { rotateAround([0, 180, 0], [(ry[0]==undef ? r : ry[0])/2, 0, (ry[0]==undef ? r : ry[0])/2]) { rotateAround([-90, 0, 0], [0, (ry[0]==undef ? r : ry[0])/2, (ry[0]==undef ? r : ry[0])/2]) { meniscus(h=dim[1], r=(ry[0]==undef ? r : ry[0])); } } }
76 if(ycorners[1])
77 translate([dim[0]-(ry[1]==undef ? r : ry[1]), 0, dim[2]-(ry[1]==undef ? r : ry[1])]) { rotateAround([0, -90, 0], [(ry[1]==undef ? r : ry[1])/2, 0, (ry[1]==undef ? r : ry[1])/2]) { rotateAround([-90, 0, 0], [0, (ry[1]==undef ? r : ry[1])/2, (ry[1]==undef ? r : ry[1])/2]) { meniscus(h=dim[1], r=(ry[1]==undef ? r : ry[1])); } } }
78 if(ycorners[2])
79 translate([dim[0]-(ry[2]==undef ? r : ry[2]), 0]) { rotateAround([-90, 0, 0], [0, (ry[2]==undef ? r : ry[2])/2, (ry[2]==undef ? r : ry[2])/2]) { meniscus(h=dim[1], r=(ry[2]==undef ? r : ry[2])); } }
80 if(ycorners[3])
81 rotateAround([0, 90, 0], [(ry[3]==undef ? r : ry[3])/2, 0, (ry[3]==undef ? r : ry[3])/2]) { rotateAround([-90, 0, 0], [0, (ry[3]==undef ? r : ry[3])/2, (ry[3]==undef ? r : ry[3])/2]) { meniscus(h=dim[1], r=(ry[3]==undef ? r : ry[3])); } }
82 }
83 }
85 if(x)
86 {
87 translate([-0.1, 0, 0])
88 {
89 if(xcorners[0])
90 translate([0, dim[1]-(rx[0]==undef ? r : rx[0])]) { rotateAround([0, 90, 0], [(rx[0]==undef ? r : rx[0])/2, 0, (rx[0]==undef ? r : rx[0])/2]) { meniscus(h=dim[0], r=(rx[0]==undef ? r : rx[0])); } }
91 if(xcorners[1])
92 translate([0, dim[1]-(rx[1]==undef ? r : rx[1]), dim[2]-(rx[1]==undef ? r : rx[1])]) { rotateAround([90, 0, 0], [0, (rx[1]==undef ? r : rx[1])/2, (rx[1]==undef ? r : rx[1])/2]) { rotateAround([0, 90, 0], [(rx[1]==undef ? r : rx[1])/2, 0, (rx[1]==undef ? r : rx[1])/2]) { meniscus(h=dim[0], r=(rx[1]==undef ? r : rx[1])); } } }
93 if(xcorners[2])
94 translate([0, 0, dim[2]-(rx[2]==undef ? r : rx[2])]) { rotateAround([180, 0, 0], [0, (rx[2]==undef ? r : rx[2])/2, (rx[2]==undef ? r : rx[2])/2]) { rotateAround([0, 90, 0], [(rx[2]==undef ? r : rx[2])/2, 0, (rx[2]==undef ? r : rx[2])/2]) { meniscus(h=dim[0], r=(rx[2]==undef ? r : rx[2])); } } }
95 if(xcorners[3])
96 rotateAround([-90, 0, 0], [0, (rx[3]==undef ? r : rx[3])/2, (rx[3]==undef ? r : rx[3])/2]) { rotateAround([0, 90, 0], [(rx[3]==undef ? r : rx[3])/2, 0, (rx[3]==undef ? r : rx[3])/2]) { meniscus(h=dim[0], r=(rx[3]==undef ? r : rx[3])); } }
97 }
98 }
99 }
100 }
101 }
103 module meniscus(h, r, fn=128)
104 {
105 $fn=fn;
107 difference()
108 {
109 cube([r+0.2, r+0.2, h+0.2]);
110 translate([0, 0, -0.1]) { cylinder(h=h+0.4, r=r); }
111 }
112 }
114 module rotateAround(a, v) { translate(v) { rotate(a) { translate(-v) { children(); } } } }