+use std::borrow::ToOwned;
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::fmt::Write;
+use std::io::BufRead;
+use std::iter::Iterator;
+pub struct Config {}
+const HEADER: &str = "<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <meta charset=\"utf-8\">
+ <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\">
+ <style>
+ td { text-align: center; }
+ /* h/t https://wabain.github.io/2019/10/13/css-rotated-table-header.html */
+ th, td { white-space: nowrap; }
+ th { text-align: left; font-weight: normal; }
+ table { border-collapse: collapse }
+ tr.key > th { height: 10em; vertical-align: bottom; line-height: 1 }
+ tr.key > th > div { width: 1em; }
+ tr.key > th > div > div { width: 5em; transform-origin: bottom left; transform: translateX(1em) rotate(-65deg) }
+ td { border: thin solid gray; }
+ td.yes { border: thin solid gray; background-color: #ddd; }
+ /* h/t https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5687035/css-bolding-some-text-without-changing-its-containers-size/46452396#46452396 */
+ .highlight { text-shadow: -0.06ex 0 black, 0.06ex 0 black; }
+ </style>
+ <script>
+ function highlight(id) { const e = document.getElementById(id); if (e) { e.classList.add( \"highlight\"); } }
+ function clear_highlight(id) { const e = document.getElementById(id); if (e) { e.classList.remove(\"highlight\"); } }
+ function h2(a, b) { highlight(a); highlight(b); }
+ function ch2(a, b) { clear_highlight(a); clear_highlight(b); }
+ </script>
+ <table>
+ <tbody>
+const FOOTER: &str = " </tbody>
+ </table>
+#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
+pub struct HTML(String);
+impl HTML {
+ fn escape(value: &str) -> HTML {
+ let mut escaped: String = String::new();
+ for c in value.chars() {
+ match c {
+ '>' => escaped.push_str(">"),
+ '<' => escaped.push_str("<"),
+ '\'' => escaped.push_str("'"),
+ '"' => escaped.push_str("""),
+ '&' => escaped.push_str("&"),
+ ok_c => escaped.push(ok_c),
+ }
+ }
+ HTML(escaped)
+ }
+impl From<&str> for HTML {
+ fn from(value: &str) -> HTML {
+ HTML(String::from(value))
+ }
+impl FromIterator<HTML> for HTML {
+ fn from_iter<T>(iter: T) -> HTML
+ where
+ T: IntoIterator<Item = HTML>,
+ {
+ HTML(iter.into_iter().map(|html| html.0).collect::<String>())
+ }
+impl std::fmt::Display for HTML {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ write!(f, "{}", self.0)
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+enum InputLine<'a> {
+ Blank,
+ RowHeader(&'a str),
+ Entry(&'a str, Option<&'a str>),
+impl<'a> From<&'a str> for InputLine<'a> {
+ fn from(value: &'a str) -> InputLine<'a> {
+ let trimmed = value.trim_end();
+ if trimmed.is_empty() {
+ InputLine::Blank
+ } else if !trimmed.starts_with(' ') {
+ InputLine::RowHeader(value.trim())
+ } else {
+ match value.split_once(':') {
+ None => InputLine::Entry(value.trim(), None),
+ Some((col, instance)) => InputLine::Entry(col.trim(), Some(instance.trim())),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+struct Row {
+ label: String,
+ entries: HashMap<String, Vec<Option<String>>>,
+struct Reader<Input: Iterator<Item = Result<String, std::io::Error>>> {
+ input: std::iter::Enumerate<Input>,
+ row: Option<Row>,
+impl<Input: Iterator<Item = Result<String, std::io::Error>>> Reader<Input> {
+ fn new(input: Input) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ input: input.enumerate(),
+ row: None,
+ }
+ }
+impl<Input: Iterator<Item = Result<String, std::io::Error>>> Iterator for Reader<Input> {
+ type Item = Result<Row, std::io::Error>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ loop {
+ match self.input.next() {
+ None => return Ok(std::mem::take(&mut self.row)).transpose(),
+ Some((_, Err(e))) => return Some(Err(e)),
+ Some((n, Ok(line))) => match InputLine::from(line.as_ref()) {
+ InputLine::Blank if self.row.is_some() => {
+ return Ok(std::mem::take(&mut self.row)).transpose()
+ }
+ InputLine::Blank => {}
+ InputLine::Entry(col, instance) => match &mut self.row {
+ None => {
+ return Some(Err(std::io::Error::other(format!(
+ "{}: Entry with no header",
+ n + 1
+ ))))
+ }
+ Some(ref mut row) => {
+ row.entries
+ .entry(col.to_owned())
+ .and_modify(|is| is.push(instance.map(ToOwned::to_owned)))
+ .or_insert_with(|| vec![instance.map(ToOwned::to_owned)]);
+ }
+ },
+ InputLine::RowHeader(row) => {
+ let prev = std::mem::take(&mut self.row);
+ self.row = Some(Row {
+ label: row.to_owned(),
+ entries: HashMap::new(),
+ });
+ if prev.is_some() {
+ return Ok(prev).transpose();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ }
+fn read_rows(input: impl std::io::Read) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<Row, std::io::Error>> {
+ Reader::new(std::io::BufReader::new(input).lines())
+fn column_counts(rows: &[Row]) -> Vec<(usize, String)> {
+ let mut counts: Vec<_> = rows
+ .iter()
+ .flat_map(|r| r.entries.keys())
+ .fold(HashMap::new(), |mut cs, col| {
+ cs.entry(col.to_owned())
+ .and_modify(|n| *n += 1)
+ .or_insert(1);
+ cs
+ })
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|(col, n)| (n, col))
+ .collect();
+ counts.sort_unstable_by(|(an, acol), (bn, bcol)| bn.cmp(an).then(acol.cmp(bcol)));
+ counts
+fn column_order(rows: &[Row]) -> Vec<String> {
+ column_counts(rows)
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|(_, col)| col)
+ .collect()
+fn render_instance(instance: &Option<String>) -> HTML {
+ match instance {
+ None => HTML::from("✓"),
+ Some(instance) => HTML::escape(instance.as_ref()),
+ }
+fn render_cell(col: &str, row: &Row) -> HTML {
+ let row_label = HTML::escape(row.label.as_ref());
+ let col_label = HTML::escape(col);
+ let instances: Option<&Vec<Option<String>>> = row.entries.get(col);
+ let class = HTML::from(if instances.is_none() { "" } else { "yes" });
+ let all_empty = instances
+ .iter()
+ .flat_map(|is| is.iter())
+ .all(Option::is_none);
+ let contents = if instances.is_none() || (all_empty && instances.unwrap().len() == 1) {
+ HTML::from("")
+ } else if all_empty {
+ HTML(format!("{}", instances.unwrap().len()))
+ } else {
+ instances
+ .unwrap()
+ .iter()
+ .map(render_instance)
+ .map(|html| html.0) // Waiting for slice_concat_trait to stabilize
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+ .join(" "),
+ )
+ };
+ HTML(format!("<td class=\"{class}\" onmouseover=\"h2('{row_label}','{col_label}')\" onmouseout=\"ch2('{row_label}','{col_label}')\">{contents}</td>"))
+fn render_row(columns: &[String], row: &Row) -> HTML {
+ let row_label = HTML::escape(row.label.as_ref());
+ HTML(format!(
+ "<tr><th id=\"{row_label}\">{row_label}</th>{}</tr>\n",
+ &columns
+ .iter()
+ .map(|col| render_cell(col, row))
+ .collect::<HTML>()
+ ))
+fn render_column_headers(columns: &[String]) -> HTML {
+ String::from("<tr class=\"key\"><th></th>")
+ + &columns.iter().fold(String::new(), |mut acc, col| {
+ let col_header = HTML::escape(col.as_ref());
+ write!(
+ &mut acc,
+ "<th id=\"{col_header}\"><div><div>{col_header}</div></div></th>"
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ acc
+ })
+ + "</tr>\n",
+ )
+/// # Errors
+/// Will return `Err` if
+/// * there's an i/o error while reading `input`
+/// * the log has invalid syntax:
+/// * an indented line with no preceding non-indented line
+pub fn tablify(config: &Config, input: impl std::io::Read) -> Result<HTML, std::io::Error> {
+ let rows = read_rows(input).collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
+ let columns = column_order(&rows);
+ Ok(HTML(format!(
+ "{HEADER}{}{}{FOOTER}",
+ render_column_headers(&columns),
+ rows.into_iter()
+ .map(|r| render_row(&columns, &r))
+ .collect::<HTML>()
+ )))
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_parse_line() {
+ assert_eq!(InputLine::from(""), InputLine::Blank);
+ assert_eq!(InputLine::from(" "), InputLine::Blank);
+ assert_eq!(InputLine::from("foo"), InputLine::RowHeader("foo"));
+ assert_eq!(InputLine::from("foo "), InputLine::RowHeader("foo"));
+ assert_eq!(InputLine::from(" foo"), InputLine::Entry("foo", None));
+ assert_eq!(
+ InputLine::from(" foo:bar"),
+ InputLine::Entry("foo", Some("bar"))
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ InputLine::from(" foo: bar"),
+ InputLine::Entry("foo", Some("bar"))
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ InputLine::from(" foo: bar "),
+ InputLine::Entry("foo", Some("bar"))
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ InputLine::from(" foo: bar "),
+ InputLine::Entry("foo", Some("bar"))
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ InputLine::from(" foo : bar "),
+ InputLine::Entry("foo", Some("bar"))
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_read_rows() {
+ assert_eq!(
+ read_rows(&b"foo"[..]).flatten().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ vec![Row {
+ label: "foo".to_owned(),
+ entries: HashMap::new(),
+ }]
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ read_rows(&b"bar"[..]).flatten().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ vec![Row {
+ label: "bar".to_owned(),
+ entries: HashMap::new(),
+ }]
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ read_rows(&b"foo\nbar\n"[..]).flatten().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ vec![
+ Row {
+ label: "foo".to_owned(),
+ entries: HashMap::new(),
+ },
+ Row {
+ label: "bar".to_owned(),
+ entries: HashMap::new(),
+ }
+ ]
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ read_rows(&b"foo\n bar\n"[..]).flatten().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ vec![Row {
+ label: "foo".to_owned(),
+ entries: HashMap::from([("bar".to_owned(), vec![None])]),
+ }]
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ read_rows(&b"foo\n bar\n baz\n"[..])
+ .flatten()
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ vec![Row {
+ label: "foo".to_owned(),
+ entries: HashMap::from([
+ ("bar".to_owned(), vec![None]),
+ ("baz".to_owned(), vec![None])
+ ]),
+ }]
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ read_rows(&b"foo\n\nbar\n"[..])
+ .flatten()
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ vec![
+ Row {
+ label: "foo".to_owned(),
+ entries: HashMap::new(),
+ },
+ Row {
+ label: "bar".to_owned(),
+ entries: HashMap::new(),
+ }
+ ]
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ read_rows(&b"foo\n \nbar\n"[..])
+ .flatten()
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ vec![
+ Row {
+ label: "foo".to_owned(),
+ entries: HashMap::new(),
+ },
+ Row {
+ label: "bar".to_owned(),
+ entries: HashMap::new(),
+ }
+ ]
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ read_rows(&b"foo \n bar \n"[..])
+ .flatten()
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ vec![Row {
+ label: "foo".to_owned(),
+ entries: HashMap::from([("bar".to_owned(), vec![None])]),
+ }]
+ );
+ let bad = read_rows(&b" foo"[..]).next().unwrap();
+ assert!(bad.is_err());
+ assert!(format!("{bad:?}").contains("1: Entry with no header"));
+ let bad2 = read_rows(&b"foo\n\n bar"[..]).nth(1).unwrap();
+ assert!(bad2.is_err());
+ assert!(format!("{bad2:?}").contains("3: Entry with no header"));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_column_counts() {
+ assert_eq!(
+ column_counts(
+ &read_rows(&b"foo\n bar\n baz\n"[..])
+ .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
+ .unwrap()
+ ),
+ vec![(1, String::from("bar")), (1, String::from("baz"))]
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ column_counts(
+ &read_rows(&b"foo\n bar\n baz\nquux\n baz"[..])
+ .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
+ .unwrap()
+ ),
+ vec![(2, String::from("baz")), (1, String::from("bar"))]
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ column_counts(
+ &read_rows(&b"foo\n bar\n bar\n baz\n bar\nquux\n baz"[..])
+ .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
+ .unwrap()
+ ),
+ vec![(2, String::from("baz")), (1, String::from("bar"))]
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ column_counts(
+ &read_rows(&b"foo\n bar: 1\n bar: 2\n baz\n bar\nquux\n baz"[..])
+ .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
+ .unwrap()
+ ),
+ vec![(2, String::from("baz")), (1, String::from("bar"))]
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_render_cell() {
+ assert_eq!(
+ render_cell(
+ "foo",
+ &Row {
+ label: "nope".to_owned(),
+ entries: HashMap::new(),
+ }
+ ),
+ HTML::from("<td class=\"\" onmouseover=\"h2('nope','foo')\" onmouseout=\"ch2('nope','foo')\"></td>")
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ render_cell(
+ "foo",
+ &Row {
+ label: "nope".to_owned(),
+ entries: HashMap::from([("bar".to_owned(), vec![None])]),
+ }
+ ),
+ HTML::from("<td class=\"\" onmouseover=\"h2('nope','foo')\" onmouseout=\"ch2('nope','foo')\"></td>")
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ render_cell(
+ "foo",
+ &Row {
+ label: "nope".to_owned(),
+ entries: HashMap::from([("foo".to_owned(), vec![None])]),
+ }
+ ),
+ HTML::from("<td class=\"yes\" onmouseover=\"h2('nope','foo')\" onmouseout=\"ch2('nope','foo')\"></td>")
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ render_cell(
+ "foo",
+ &Row {
+ label: "nope".to_owned(),
+ entries: HashMap::from([("foo".to_owned(), vec![None, None])]),
+ }
+ ),
+ HTML::from("<td class=\"yes\" onmouseover=\"h2('nope','foo')\" onmouseout=\"ch2('nope','foo')\">2</td>")
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ render_cell(
+ "foo",
+ &Row {
+ label: "nope".to_owned(),
+ entries: HashMap::from([("foo".to_owned(), vec![Some("5".to_owned()), Some("10".to_owned())])]),
+ }
+ ),
+ HTML::from("<td class=\"yes\" onmouseover=\"h2('nope','foo')\" onmouseout=\"ch2('nope','foo')\">5 10</td>")
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ render_cell(
+ "foo",
+ &Row {
+ label: "nope".to_owned(),
+ entries: HashMap::from([("foo".to_owned(), vec![Some("5".to_owned()), None])]),
+ }
+ ),
+ HTML::from("<td class=\"yes\" onmouseover=\"h2('nope','foo')\" onmouseout=\"ch2('nope','foo')\">5 ✓</td>")
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ render_cell(
+ "heart",
+ &Row {
+ label: "nope".to_owned(),
+ entries: HashMap::from([("heart".to_owned(), vec![Some("<3".to_owned())])]),
+ }
+ ),
+ HTML::from("<td class=\"yes\" onmouseover=\"h2('nope','heart')\" onmouseout=\"ch2('nope','heart')\"><3</td>")
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ render_cell(
+ "foo",
+ &Row {
+ label: "bob's".to_owned(),
+ entries: HashMap::from([("foo".to_owned(), vec![None])]),
+ }
+ ),
+ HTML::from("<td class=\"yes\" onmouseover=\"h2('bob's','foo')\" onmouseout=\"ch2('bob's','foo')\"></td>")
+ );
+ }