]> git.scottworley.com Git - tablify/summary
descriptionSummarize a text log as an HTML table
last changeTue, 20 Aug 2024 18:01:13 +0000 (11:01 -0700)


Display a flat text log as an HTML table.

(For the other tablify that makes ascii-art tables, see Text-RecordParser.)

2024-08-20 Scott WorleyRelease 0.2.1 master v0.2.1
2024-08-20 Scott WorleyStart a README
2024-08-20 Scott WorleySort columns _descending_ by frequency
2024-08-20 Scott WorleyA little more space up top
2024-08-20 Scott WorleyStart keeping a changelog
2024-08-20 Scott WorleyStart on 0.2.1
2024-08-19 Scott WorleyRelease 0.2.0 v0.2.0
2024-08-19 Scott WorleyRemove unused CSS
2024-08-19 Scott WorleySet ids, add divs & triggers to engage with the CSS...
2024-08-19 Scott WorleyLighter gray background for active cells
2024-08-19 Scott WorleyClippy wants this to use mut and write!
2024-08-19 Scott WorleyRender column headers
2024-08-19 Scott WorleyRender table
2024-08-19 Scott Worleycolumn_order()
2024-08-19 Scott WorleyTrim whitespace when parsing entries
2024-08-19 Scott WorleySplit entries at ':' to separate instance data
5 weeks ago v0.2.1
5 weeks ago v0.2.0
5 weeks ago master