There's no reason to check this more than once here.
other[Traded] = 1 /* Travel from states that have done trading. */
/* Travel here via a 2-fuel unit jump */
other[Traded] = 1 /* Travel from states that have done trading. */
/* Travel here via a 2-fuel unit jump */
- if addr[Fuel]+2 < dims[Fuel] {
+ if data.Planets[data.i2p[addr[Location]]].BeaconOn && addr[Fuel]+2 < dims[Fuel] {
other[Fuel] = addr[Fuel] + 2
hole_index := (dims[Fuel] - 1) - (addr[Fuel] + 2)
if hole_index >= len(flight_plan()) || addr[Location] != PlanetIndex(data, flight_plan()[hole_index]) {
for other[Location] = 0; other[Location] < dims[Location]; other[Location]++ {
other[Fuel] = addr[Fuel] + 2
hole_index := (dims[Fuel] - 1) - (addr[Fuel] + 2)
if hole_index >= len(flight_plan()) || addr[Location] != PlanetIndex(data, flight_plan()[hole_index]) {
for other[Location] = 0; other[Location] < dims[Location]; other[Location]++ {
- if data.Planets[data.i2p[addr[Location]]].BeaconOn {
- Consider(data, dims, table, other, 0, &best_value, best_source)
- }
+ Consider(data, dims, table, other, 0, &best_value, best_source)
other[Location] = addr[Location]
other[Location] = addr[Location]