]> git.scottworley.com Git - picsort/blob - pic-mv
'C' to repeat the previous name given with 'c'
[picsort] / pic-mv
1 #!/bin/bash
3 destdir=/some/path # Optional: Fill this in here.
5 exposure=
6 rotate=
7 while getopts d:e:r: opt;do
8 case $opt in
9 d) destdir=$OPTARG;;
10 e) exposure=$OPTARG;;
11 r) rotate=$OPTARG;;
12 esac
13 done
14 shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
16 file="$1"
17 name="$2"
19 # Find next number
20 max=$(ls "$destdir" | sed -rn "s/^$name ([0-9]+).jpeg$/\1/p" | sort -n | tail -n1)
21 if [[ "$max" ]];then
22 number=$((max + 1))
23 else
24 number=1
25 fi
27 out="$destdir/$name $number.jpeg"
29 if [[ "$file" == *.NEF ]];then
30 base="${file%.NEF}"
31 NEFout="$destdir/$name $number.NEF"
32 if [[ "$rotate" ]];then
33 numeric_exposure=$(dc <<< "2k $exposure 4 / 3.5-p")
34 pics-run-ufraw "$numeric_exposure" "$file" "$out" "$rotate"
35 else
36 mv -vi "$exposure/$base.jpeg" "$out"
37 fi
38 touch -r "$file" "$out"
39 mv -vi "$file" "$NEFout"
40 chmod 644 "$NEFout"
41 else
42 if [[ "$rotate" ]];then
43 sed -i "s/^# ROBOTS_INSERT_THINGS_HERE\$/\"$name $number.jpeg\" => $rotate,\n&/" "$destdir/rotations.php"
44 fi
45 mv -vi "$file" "$out"
46 fi
47 chmod 644 "$out"