+# Since 168b926435628cb06c4a8cb0f3e6f69f141529f1, we do shenanigans to get the tier1 list. :(
+ inherit (nixpkgs) lib;
+ inherit (lib) elemAt foldl' isList splitString;
+ inherit (builtins) readFile;
+ lines = splitString "\n";
+ between = start: stop: list:
+ let
+ step = state: x:
+ if isNull state && x == start then
+ [ ]
+ else if isList state then
+ if x == stop then { result = state; } else state ++ [ x ]
+ else
+ state;
+ in (foldl' step null list).result;
+ strip-quotes = x: elemAt (builtins.match " \"(.*)\"" x) 0;
+ systems-file = "${nixpkgs}/lib/systems/flake-systems.nix";
+in map strip-quotes
+(between " # Tier 1" " # Tier 2" (lines (readFile systems-file)))