// voter: A simple CGI vote recorder, approval-voting-style // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published // by the Free Software Foundation, version 3. use rand::prelude::*; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; const DATA_PATH: &str = "/var/lib/voter"; const COOKIE_NAME: &[u8] = b"__Secure-id"; const COOKIE_LENGTH: usize = 12; fn validate_path(path: &str) -> Result { let invalid_path = || cgi::text_response(404, "Invalid path"); if path == "/" { return Err(cgi::text_response(404, "(This is the voting place. You should have been given a more specific URL for the specific thing you've been invited to vote on.)")); } if path.contains("..") || !path.starts_with('/') { return Err(invalid_path()); } let dir = Path::new(&format!("{DATA_PATH}{path}")).to_path_buf(); if !dir .canonicalize() .map_err(|_| invalid_path())? .starts_with(DATA_PATH) { return Err(invalid_path()); } if !dir.is_dir() { return Err(invalid_path()); } Ok(dir) } fn get_voter(request: &cgi::Request) -> Result<&[u8], cgi::Response> { // Expect exactly one cookie, exactly as we generate it. let cookie = request .headers() .get(cgi::http::header::COOKIE) .map(cgi::http::HeaderValue::as_bytes) .and_then(|c| c.strip_prefix(COOKIE_NAME)) .and_then(|c| c.strip_prefix(b"=")) .ok_or_else(|| cgi::text_response(400, "Invalid cookie"))?; if cookie.len() != COOKIE_LENGTH || cookie.contains(&b' ') || cookie.contains(&b';') { Err(cgi::text_response(400, "Invalid cookie")) } else { Ok(cookie) } } fn tally_votes(dir: &Path) -> std::io::Result>> { let mut tally: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); if let Ok(vfile) = std::fs::File::open(dir.to_owned().join("votes")) { for liner in std::io::BufReader::new(vfile).lines() { let line = liner?; if let Some((voter, datum)) = line.split_once(' ') { if voter.len() == COOKIE_LENGTH { if let Some((vote, candidate)) = datum.split_once(' ') { if vote == "0" { if let Some(entry) = tally.get_mut(candidate) { entry.remove(voter); } } else if vote == "1" { tally .entry(candidate.to_owned()) .or_default() .insert(voter.to_owned()); } } } } } } Ok(tally) } fn valid_id_char(c: u8) -> bool { (b'A'..=b'Z').contains(&c) || (b'a'..=b'z').contains(&c) || (b'0'..=b'9').contains(&c) } fn make_random_id() -> [u8; COOKIE_LENGTH] { let mut id = [0; COOKIE_LENGTH]; for c in &mut id { while !valid_id_char(*c) { *c = random(); } } id } fn set_cookie(mut response: cgi::Response, path: &str) -> Result { response.headers_mut().append( cgi::http::header::SET_COOKIE, cgi::http::header::HeaderValue::from_bytes( &[ COOKIE_NAME, b"=", &make_random_id(), b"; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Strict; Max-Age=30000000; Path=", path.as_bytes(), ] .concat(), ) .map_err(|_| cgi::text_response(503, "Couldn't make cookie"))?, ); Ok(response) } const HTML_HEADER: &str = " Vote! "; const HTML_FOOTER: &str = "
Count Vote Candidate
"; fn supports(tally: &HashMap>, me: &str, candidate: &str) -> bool { tally .get(candidate) .map_or(false, |supporters| supporters.contains(me)) } fn prompt_for_vote(dir: &Path, request: &cgi::Request) -> Result { let voter = get_voter(request); let me = if let Ok(id) = voter { std::str::from_utf8(id).ok() } else { None }; let tally = tally_votes(dir).map_err(|_| cgi::text_response(503, "Couldn't tally votes"))?; let cfile = std::fs::File::open(dir.join("candidates")) .map_err(|_| cgi::text_response(503, "No candidates"))?; let mut response = cgi::html_response( 200, std::iter::once(Ok(HTML_HEADER.to_owned())) .chain(std::io::BufReader::new(cfile).lines().map(|rc| { rc.map(|c| { let count = tally.get(&c).map_or(0, std::collections::HashSet::len); let checked = if me.map_or(false, |me| supports(&tally, me, &c)) { "checked" } else { "" }; format!( " {count} {c} " ) }) })) .chain(std::iter::once(Ok(HTML_FOOTER.to_owned()))) .collect::>() .map_err(|_| cgi::text_response(503, "Missing candidates"))?, ); if voter.is_err() { response = set_cookie(response, request.uri().path())?; } Ok(response) } fn write_vote(dir: &Path, voter: &[u8], vote: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<()> { let datum = [voter, b" ", vote, b"\n"].concat(); let vpath = dir.join("votes"); let vfile = std::fs::File::options() .append(true) .create(true) .open(vpath)?; let mut vlock = fd_lock::RwLock::new(vfile); vlock.write()?.write_all(&datum)?; Ok(()) } fn record_vote(dir: &Path, request: &cgi::Request) -> Result { let body = request.body(); // Valid votes look like "0 foo" or "1 bar" if body.len() < 3 || (body[0] != b'0' && body[0] != b'1') || body[1] != b' ' || body.contains(&b'\n') { return Err(cgi::text_response(415, "Invalid vote")); } write_vote(dir, get_voter(request)?, body) .map_err(|_| cgi::text_response(503, "Couldn't record vote"))?; Ok(cgi::text_response(200, "Vote recorded")) } fn strip_body(mut response: cgi::Response) -> cgi::Response { response.body_mut().clear(); response } fn respond(request: &cgi::Request) -> Result { let dir = validate_path(request.uri().path())?; match *request.method() { cgi::http::Method::HEAD => prompt_for_vote(&dir, request).map(strip_body), cgi::http::Method::GET => prompt_for_vote(&dir, request), cgi::http::Method::PUT => record_vote(&dir, request), _ => Err(cgi::text_response(405, "Huh?")), } } fn respond_or_report_error(request: cgi::Request) -> cgi::Response { match respond(&request) { Ok(result) => result, Err(error) => error, } } cgi::cgi_main! { respond_or_report_error }