From: Scott Worley <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2022 06:07:18 +0000 (-0800)
Subject: Edit task descriptions

Edit task descriptions

diff --git a/vopamoi.ts b/vopamoi.ts
index e997d1c..151a9e4 100644
--- a/vopamoi.ts
+++ b/vopamoi.ts
@@ -24,6 +24,32 @@ const Model = {
     return task;
+  edit: function (createTimestamp: string, newDescription: string): Element | null {
+    const target = this.getTask(createTimestamp);
+    if (!target) return null;
+    if (target.hasAttribute("data-description")) {
+      // Oh no: An edit has arrived from a replica while a local edit is in progress.
+      const input = target.children[0] as HTMLInputElement;
+      if (
+        input.value === target.getAttribute("data-description") &&
+        input.selectionStart === 0 &&
+        input.selectionEnd === input.value.length
+      ) {
+        // No local changes have actually been made yet.  Change the contents of the edit box!
+        input.value = newDescription;
+      } else {
+        // No great options.
+        // Prefer not to interrupt the local user's edit.
+        // The remote edit is mostly lost; this mostly becomes last-write-wins.
+        target.setAttribute("data-description", newDescription);
+      }
+    } else {
+      target.textContent = newDescription;
+    }
+    return target;
+  },
   getPriority: function (task: Element): number {
     if (task.hasAttribute("data-priority")) {
       return parseFloat(task.getAttribute("data-priority")!);
@@ -76,6 +102,10 @@ function Log(prefix: string = "vp-") {
       if (command == "Create") {
         return Model.addTask(timestamp, data);
+      if (command == "Edit") {
+        const [createTimestamp, description] = splitN(data, " ", 1);
+        return Model.edit(createTimestamp, description);
+      }
       if (command == "State") {
         const [createTimestamp, state] = splitN(data, " ", 1);
         return Model.setState(timestamp, createTimestamp, state);
@@ -117,6 +147,10 @@ const UI = {
     undoLog.push(`State ${now} deleted`);
     return <Element>log.recordAndApply(`${now} Create ${description}`);
+  edit: function (createTimestamp: string, newDescription: string, oldDescription: string) {
+    undoLog.push(`Edit ${createTimestamp} ${oldDescription}`);
+    return log.recordAndApply(`${} Edit ${createTimestamp} ${newDescription}`);
+  },
   setPriority: function (createTimestamp: string, newPriority: number, oldPriority: number) {
     undoLog.push(`Priority ${createTimestamp} ${oldPriority}`);
     return log.recordAndApply(`${} Priority ${createTimestamp} ${newPriority}`);
@@ -145,6 +179,36 @@ const BrowserUI = {
+  beginEdit: function (event: Event) {
+    const task = document.activeElement;
+    if (!task) return;
+    const input = document.createElement("input");
+    const oldDescription = task.textContent!;
+    task.setAttribute("data-description", oldDescription);
+    input.value = oldDescription;
+    input.addEventListener("blur", BrowserUI.completeEdit, { once: true });
+    task.textContent = "";
+    task.appendChild(input);
+    input.focus();
+    event.preventDefault();
+  },
+  completeEdit: function (event: Event) {
+    const input = as HTMLInputElement;
+    const task = input.parentElement!;
+    const oldDescription = task.getAttribute("data-description")!;
+    const newDescription = input.value;
+    task.removeChild(task.children[0]);
+    task.removeAttribute("data-description");
+    task.focus();
+    if (newDescription === oldDescription) {
+      task.textContent = oldDescription;
+    } else {
+      UI.edit(task.getAttribute("data-created")!, newDescription, oldDescription);
+    }
+  },
   firstVisibleTask: function () {
     for (const task of document.getElementsByClassName("task")) {
       if (task instanceof HTMLElement && !== "none") {
@@ -231,7 +295,11 @@ const BrowserUI = {
 function handleKey(event: any) {
   if ( === "INPUT") {
-    if (event.key == "Enter") return BrowserUI.addTask(event);
+    if ( === "taskName") {
+      if (event.key == "Enter") return BrowserUI.addTask(event);
+    } else {
+      if (event.key == "Enter") return BrowserUI.completeEdit(event);
+    }
   } else {
     if (event.key == "j") return BrowserUI.moveCursor(1);
     if (event.key == "k") return BrowserUI.moveCursor(-1);
@@ -245,6 +313,7 @@ function handleKey(event: any) {
     if (event.key == "t") return BrowserUI.setState("todo");
     if (event.key == "X") return BrowserUI.setState("deleted");
     if (event.key == "u") return BrowserUI.undo();
+    if (event.key == "e") return BrowserUI.beginEdit(event);