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inline | side by side (from parent 1:
Not solved yet: Cord grip/anchor
-key_interface_size = 19;
+key_interface_size = 18;
key_interface_corner_r = 5;
key_interface_corner_r = 5;
+key_interface_thickness = 1.484;
-housing_inner_h = 10; // Chosen to let board fit inside
+housing_inner_h = 8; // Chosen to let board fit inside
housing_inner_w = 21;
thickness = 1.7;
wiring_l = 12;
housing_inner_w = 21;
thickness = 1.7;
wiring_l = 12;
pico_board_l = 51.0;
pico_board_w = 21.0;
pico_total_h = 3.7;
$fs = .1;
pico_board_l = 51.0;
pico_board_w = 21.0;
pico_total_h = 3.7;
$fs = .1;
slop = 128;
epsilon = 1/64;
slop = 128;
epsilon = 1/64;
cylinder(h=slop, d = d);
cylinder(h=slop, d = d);
-module pico_w(hole_d = 2.1) {
+module pico_w(hole_d = 2.1) {
+ // Dimensions from measuring and/or
+ //
board_l = pico_board_l;
board_w = pico_board_w;
board_h = 1.0;
board_l = pico_board_l;
board_w = pico_board_w;
board_h = 1.0;
-module key_interface_shape(thick = thickness) {
+module key_interface_shape(thick = key_interface_thickness, outline = thickness) {
inner = key_interface_size - 2*key_interface_corner_r;
minkowski() {
square([inner, inner], center=true);
inner = key_interface_size - 2*key_interface_corner_r;
minkowski() {
square([inner, inner], center=true);
- circle(r=key_interface_corner_r);
+ circle(r=key_interface_corner_r + outline);
difference() {
difference() {
- #translate([0, 0, 6 - epsilon])
- cherry_switch_void();
+ translate([0, 0, 6 - epsilon])
+ cherry_switch_void(tolerance=0.05);
-module housing(length = pico_board_l) {
+module housing_shape(outline = thickness) {
inner_squish = housing_inner_h / housing_inner_w;
inner_squish = housing_inner_h / housing_inner_w;
- housing_outer_w = housing_inner_w + 2 * thickness;
- housing_outer_h = housing_inner_h + 2 * thickness;
- outer_squish = housing_outer_h / housing_outer_w;
+ housing_w = housing_inner_w + 2 * outline;
+ housing_h = housing_inner_h + 2 * outline;
+ squish = housing_h / housing_w;
+ scale([1, squish])
+ circle(d = housing_w);
+module housing(length = pico_board_l - extra_flare) {
rotate([90, 0, 0])
rotate([0, 90, 0])
difference() {
rotate([90, 0, 0])
rotate([0, 90, 0])
difference() {
- scale([1, outer_squish])
- circle(d = housing_outer_w);
- scale([1, inner_squish])
- circle(d = housing_inner_w);
+ housing_shape();
+ housing_shape(0);
-!union() {housing(); hull() {
- at_key() key_interface_shape(epsilon);
- translate([pico_board_l-wiring_l, 0, 0])
- housing(wiring_l);
+module flare_shape(outline, extra_len) {
+ hull() {
+ at_key()
+ key_interface_shape(epsilon + extra_len, outline);
+ translate([pico_board_l-extra_flare, 0, 0])
+ translate([-extra_len, 0, 0])
+ rotate([90, 0, 0])
+ rotate([0, 90, 0])
+ linear_extrude(epsilon+extra_len)
+ housing_shape(outline);
+ }
-translate([0, -pico_board_w/2, -1])
-pico_w(hole_d = 2);
+module flare() {
+ difference() {
+ flare_shape(thickness, 0);
+ flare_shape(0, epsilon);
+ }
+module tattlekey_case() {
+ key_interface();
+ difference() {
+ union() {
+ housing();
+ flare();
+ }
+ translate([0, -pico_board_w/2, -1])
+ pico_w();
+ }