+const u32_t config_minimum_seconds_between_button_presses = 1;
+/* Send each report multiple times. */
+const uint config_resend_count = 5;
+/* These control the size of the per-send-count press queues.
+When the button is pressed more than config_maximum_queue_size times
+within the resend interval, some presses will be reported fewer
+than config_resend_count times. This is usually fine because it's
+the old, longest-delayed, most-redundant reports that get dropped;
+fresh, timely reports of new button presses will not get anywhere near
+config_resend_count in a resend interval because the early resend internals
+are so short. */
+const uint config_maximum_queue_size = 512;
+/* This is paranoia about unanticipated delays. Setting this to zero
+would probably be fine, but imposing a minimum queue size is an easy
+safety measure. */
+const uint config_minimum_queue_size = 32;