2021-03-31 Scott WorleyRemove 'or any later version' license choice master
2015-07-23 Scott WorleyRename "history" to "hist"
2012-08-20 Scott WorleyPrompt new users for a nick explicitly
2012-08-19 Scott Worley/nick requires an argument
2012-08-19 Scott WorleyDifferent colors for different message types
2012-08-19 Scott Worley/speak requests are permitted cross-origin
2012-08-19 Scott WorleyMonotonic clock
2012-08-19 Scott WorleyUse XMLHttpRequest POST to send messages
2012-08-19 Scott WorleyCSS class for local messages
2012-08-19 Scott WorleyDon't send empty messages
2012-08-19 Scott Worley/nick currentnick should do nothing
2012-08-19 Scott Worley/nosuchcommand shouldn't speak
2012-08-19 Scott Worley"/no such command" shouldn't speak
2012-08-19 Scott WorleyExport the server start time
2012-08-19 Scott WorleyTest message drops due to hitting the limit
2012-08-19 Scott WorleySwitch to using defer to clean up after tests
2012-08-19 Scott Worleygofmt
2012-08-19 Scott WorleyCount drops due to reaching the message limit
2012-08-19 Scott WorleyMake message limit flag-controlled
2012-08-19 Scott WorleyRemove /frame support
2012-08-17 Scott WorleyAdd the Heroku server
2012-08-16 Scott WorleyAdd server
2012-08-16 Scott WorleyOptionally specify an address to bind to
2012-08-06 Scott WorleyColors: Soften the whites a little
2012-08-06 Scott WorleyMulti-line input box
2012-08-06 Scott WorleySeparate count, timestamp, and message with spaces
2012-08-06 Scott Worleyrobots.txt: Disallow *
2012-08-05 Scott WorleyLink to the project homepage
2012-08-05 Scott WorleyLinks should be rel="nofollow"
2012-08-04 Scott WorleyPut the date in the hover as well
2012-08-04 Scott WorleyURL detection
2012-08-04 Scott WorleyTimestamp hover shows all servers' timestamps
2012-08-04 Scott WorleyClassify different kinds of messages
2012-08-04 Scott WorleyTake UI creation out of rcaddmessagetohistory
2012-08-03 Scott WorleyDisplay a server count for each message
2012-08-03 Scott WorleyFeed the median-timestamp updates back into the UI
2012-08-03 Scott WorleyPut timestamps in a separate span
2012-08-03 Scott WorleyFix odd case of median
2012-08-03 Scott WorleyPreserve history's in-order invariant
2012-08-03 Scott WorleyKeep messages sorted by timestamp
2012-08-03 Scott WorleyFix initial servertimes entry.
2012-08-03 Scott WorleyCalculate the median of the server timestamps
2012-08-03 Scott WorleyKeep server timestamps for all copies
2012-08-03 Scott WorleyDocumentation: What's in a message
2012-08-03 Scott WorleyKeep messages around as values in seen.
2012-08-03 Scott WorleyPass message on *after* setting since.
2012-08-03 Scott WorleyTimestamps for incoming messages
2012-08-03 Scott WorleyMinor syntax cleanup
2012-08-03 Scott Worleyrcaddmessagetohistory() accepts a message object
2012-08-03 Scott WorleyA little tiny bit of documentation
2012-08-03 Scott WorleyStreamline /command checking a little
2012-08-03 Scott WorleyLeave out the anonymous nick reminders for now
2012-08-03 Scott WorleyRemove useless postMessage call
2012-08-03 Scott WorleySend old clients a deprecation warning
2012-08-03 Scott WorleyLink to the IRC,Better diagram in the README
2012-08-03 Scott WorleyDocumentation digram
2012-08-03 Scott WorleyAdd license (AGPL)
2012-08-03 Scott WorleyMerge skitch's changes.
2012-08-03 Jason HibbsDark color scheme
2012-08-03 Jason HibbsMove the status indicators to the right.
2012-08-03 Jason HibbsScroll history without input. Input above status
2012-08-03 Jason HibbsBetter visibility for the server status indicators
2012-08-03 Jason Hibbs/me support
2012-08-03 Jason HibbsAuto-focus the input field.
2012-08-01 Scott WorleyFetch with direct cross-origin XMLHttpRequests
2012-08-01 Scott WorleyMake /nick reminder a little more visible
2012-08-01 Scott WorleyTrack /frame usage.
2012-08-01 Scott WorleyActually use the command line flags
2012-07-30 Scott WorleyMove javascript and css into the html file.
2012-07-30 Scott WorleyMore "var" in variable declarations.
2012-07-30 Scott WorleyImplement nicknames
2012-07-30 Scott WorleyActual server list
2012-07-30 Scott WorleyStatus bar indicators
2012-07-30 Scott WorleyBidirectional communication!
2012-07-29 Scott WorleySend messages with <img src="...">
2012-07-29 Scott WorleyDon't autocomplete in the input field.
2012-07-29 Scott WorleyThis 'form' is never submitted.
2012-07-29 Scott WorleyStart poking at the web client.
2012-07-29 Scott WorleyFactor out copy/pasted message testing
2012-07-29 Scott WorleyAdd an id to messages
2012-07-28 Scott WorleyTest with since == message time
2012-07-28 Scott WorleyTest partial fetch
2012-07-28 Scott Worleygofmt
2012-07-28 Scott WorleyTest multiple listeners
2012-07-28 Scott WorleyTest fetch blocking
2012-07-28 Scott WorleyCounters!
2012-07-28 Scott WorleyAllow port to be specified. Default resonably.
2012-07-28 Scott WorleyShut down the message store after each test
2012-07-28 Scott WorleyCopy less: pass messages by pointer
2012-07-28 Scott WorleyAdd a test
2012-07-28 Scott WorleyFetch returns a list of messages
2012-07-28 Scott WorleyWait when since == last message time
2012-07-28 Scott WorleyDecode URL parameters
2012-07-28 Scott WorleyFirst cut at minimum-functionality server