/* reliable-chat - multipath chat * Copyright (C) 2012 Scott Worley * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package main import "testing" import "runtime" import "strconv" import "time" func expectMessage(t *testing.T, m *Message, at time.Time, id, say string) { if m.Time != at { t.Fail() } if m.ID != id { t.Fail() } if m.Text != say { t.Fail() } } func TestMessageInsertAndRetreive(t *testing.T) { id := "1" say := "'Ello, Mister Polly Parrot!" at := time.Now() var zero_time time.Time store := start_store() store.Add <- &Message{at, id, say} messages_from_store := make(chan []Message, 1) store.Get <- &StoreRequest{zero_time, messages_from_store} messages := <-messages_from_store if len(messages) != 1 { t.FailNow() } expectMessage(t, &messages[0], at, id, say) close(store.Get) close(store.Add) } func TestFetchBlocksUntilSpeak(t *testing.T) { start_fetch_wait_count := fetch_wait_count.String() id := "2" say := "I've got a lovely fresh cuttle fish for you" at := time.Now() var zero_time time.Time store := start_store() messages_from_store := make(chan []Message, 1) store.Get <- &StoreRequest{zero_time, messages_from_store} for start_fetch_wait_count == fetch_wait_count.String() { runtime.Gosched() } store.Add <- &Message{at, id, say} messages := <-messages_from_store if len(messages) != 1 { t.FailNow() } expectMessage(t, &messages[0], at, id, say) close(store.Get) close(store.Add) } func TestMultipleListeners(t *testing.T) { id := "3" say := "This is your nine o'clock alarm call!" at := time.Now() var zero_time time.Time store := start_store() const num_clients = 13 var messages_from_store [num_clients]chan []Message for i := 0; i < num_clients; i++ { messages_from_store[i] = make(chan []Message, 1) store.Get <- &StoreRequest{zero_time, messages_from_store[i]} } store.Add <- &Message{at, id, say} for i := 0; i < num_clients; i++ { messages := <-messages_from_store[i] if len(messages) != 1 { t.FailNow() } expectMessage(t, &messages[0], at, id, say) } close(store.Get) close(store.Add) } func parseDuration(s string) time.Duration { d, err := time.ParseDuration(s) if err != nil { panic(err) } return d } func atoi(s string) int { i, err := strconv.Atoi(s) if err != nil { panic(err) } return i } func TestPartialRetreive(t *testing.T) { start_speak_count := atoi(speak_count.String()) id1 := "4" id2 := "5" id3 := "6" say1 := "No, no.....No, 'e's stunned!" say2 := "You stunned him, just as he was wakin' up!" say3 := "Norwegian Blues stun easily, major." base := time.Now() at1 := base.Add(parseDuration("-4m")) since := base.Add(parseDuration("-3m")) at2 := base.Add(parseDuration("-2m")) at3 := base.Add(parseDuration("-1m")) store := start_store() store.Add <- &Message{at1, id1, say1} store.Add <- &Message{at2, id2, say2} store.Add <- &Message{at3, id3, say3} for atoi(speak_count.String()) != start_speak_count+3 { runtime.Gosched() } messages_from_store := make(chan []Message, 1) store.Get <- &StoreRequest{since, messages_from_store} messages := <-messages_from_store if len(messages) != 2 { t.FailNow() } expectMessage(t, &messages[0], at2, id2, say2) expectMessage(t, &messages[1], at3, id3, say3) close(store.Get) close(store.Add) } func TestPrecisePartialRetreive(t *testing.T) { start_speak_count := atoi(speak_count.String()) id1 := "7" id2 := "8" id3 := "9" say1 := "Well, he's...he's, ah...probably pining for the fjords." say2 := "PININ' for the FJORDS?!?!?!?" say3 := "look, why did he fall flat on his back the moment I got 'im home?" base := time.Now() at1 := base.Add(parseDuration("-3m")) at2 := base.Add(parseDuration("-2m")) at3 := base.Add(parseDuration("-1m")) since := at2 store := start_store() store.Add <- &Message{at1, id1, say1} store.Add <- &Message{at2, id2, say2} store.Add <- &Message{at3, id3, say3} for atoi(speak_count.String()) != start_speak_count+3 { runtime.Gosched() } messages_from_store := make(chan []Message, 1) store.Get <- &StoreRequest{since, messages_from_store} messages := <-messages_from_store if len(messages) != 1 { t.FailNow() } expectMessage(t, &messages[0], at3, id3, say3) close(store.Get) close(store.Add) } func TestTypicalFlow(t *testing.T) { id1 := "10" id2 := "11" say1 := "The Norwegian Blue prefers kippin' on it's back!" say2 := "Remarkable bird, innit, squire? Lovely plumage!" store := start_store() // A waiting zero-time fetch. var zero_time time.Time prev_fetch_wait_count := fetch_wait_count.String() fetch1 := make(chan []Message, 1) store.Get <- &StoreRequest{zero_time, fetch1} for prev_fetch_wait_count == fetch_wait_count.String() { runtime.Gosched() } // Someone speaks. This triggers delivery. at1 := time.Now() store.Add <- &Message{at1, id1, say1} messages1 := <-fetch1 if len(messages1) != 1 { t.FailNow() } expectMessage(t, &messages1[0], at1, id1, say1) // Upon recipt, client blocks on fetch with since=at1 prev_fetch_wait_count = fetch_wait_count.String() fetch2 := make(chan []Message, 1) store.Get <- &StoreRequest{at1, fetch2} for prev_fetch_wait_count == fetch_wait_count.String() { runtime.Gosched() } // Someone speaks again. This triggers another delivery. at2 := time.Now() if !at2.After(at1) { t.Fail() } store.Add <- &Message{at2, id2, say2} messages2 := <-fetch2 if len(messages2) != 1 { t.FailNow() } expectMessage(t, &messages2[0], at2, id2, say2) close(store.Get) close(store.Add) }