quantity := *hold - (addr[UnusedCargo] + addr[Cloaks] + addr[Edens])
total_price := quantity * absolute_price
other[Hold] = 0
+ other[UnusedCargo] = 0
UpdateCell(table, my_index, EncodeIndex(dims, other), -total_price)
+ other[UnusedCargo] = addr[UnusedCargo]
+ other[Hold] = addr[Hold]
func FillCellByMisc(data planet_data, dims []int, table []State, addr []int) {
if available {
absolute_price := int(float64(data.Commodities["Device Of Cloakings"].BasePrice) * float64(relative_price) / 100.0)
other[Cloaks] = 0
- other[UnusedCargo] = addr[UnusedCargo] + 1
+ if other[Hold] != 0 {
+ other[UnusedCargo] = addr[UnusedCargo] + 1
+ }
UpdateCell(table, my_index, EncodeIndex(dims, other), -absolute_price)
other[UnusedCargo] = addr[UnusedCargo]
other[Cloaks] = addr[Cloaks]
+ if addr[Cloaks] == 1 && prev[Cloaks] == 0 {
+ // TODO: Dump cloaks, convert from cargo?
+ line += " Buy a Cloak"
+ }
description = append(description, line)
if best == -1 {
print("Cannot acheive success criteria\n")
} else {
- fmt.Printf("Best state: %v (%v) with $%v\n",
- best, DecodeIndex(dims, best), Commas(table[best].value))
description := DescribePath(data, dims, table, best)
for i := len(description) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {