	"Commodities": {
		"AntiCloak Scanners": {
			"BasePrice": 100000,
			"CanSell": true,
			"Limit": 0
		"Big Cargo Spaces": {
			"BasePrice": 0,
			"CanSell": false,
			"Limit": 0
		"Clothes Bundles": {
			"BasePrice": 450,
			"CanSell": true,
			"Limit": 0
		"Device Of Cloakings": {
			"BasePrice": 5000,
			"CanSell": true,
			"Limit": 0
		"Eden Warp Units": {
			"BasePrice": 25000,
			"CanSell": true,
			"Limit": 2
		"Fighter Drones": {
			"BasePrice": 200,
			"CanSell": false,
			"Limit": 0
		"Ground Weapons": {
			"BasePrice": 350,
			"CanSell": true,
			"Limit": 0
		"Heating Units": {
			"BasePrice": 1500,
			"CanSell": true,
			"Limit": 0
		"Ice Units": {
			"BasePrice": 200,
			"CanSell": true,
			"Limit": 0
		"Jewels": {
			"BasePrice": 2000,
			"CanSell": true,
			"Limit": 0
		"Medical Units": {
			"BasePrice": 500,
			"CanSell": true,
			"Limit": 0
		"Novelty Packs": {
			"BasePrice": 100,
			"CanSell": true,
			"Limit": 0
		"Onboard Printing Kits": {
			"BasePrice": 100000,
			"CanSell": true,
			"Limit": 0
		"Plastic Trinkets": {
			"BasePrice": 150,
			"CanSell": true,
			"Limit": 0
		"Reactor Units": {
			"BasePrice": 100000,
			"CanSell": false,
			"Limit": 0
		"Shield Batterys": {
			"BasePrice": 100,
			"CanSell": false,
			"Limit": 0
		"Tree Growth Kits": {
			"BasePrice": 800,
			"CanSell": true,
			"Limit": 0
		"Utopia Planetary Defenses": {
			"BasePrice": 5000000,
			"CanSell": true,
			"Limit": 0
	"Planets": {
		"Earth": {
			"BeaconOn": true,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Shield Batterys":            100,
				"Device Of Cloakings":        100,
				"AntiCloak Scanners":         100,
				"Big Cargo Spaces":           100,
				"Medical Units":              100,
				"Heating Units":              100,
				"Ice Units":                  100,
				"Ground Weapons":             100,
				"Reactor Units":              100,
				"Novelty Packs":              100,
				"Tree Growth Kits":           100,
				"Jewels":                     100,
				"Plastic Trinkets":           100,
				"Clothes Bundles":            100,
				"Fighter Drones":             100
		"Hothor": {
			"BeaconOn": true,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Shield Batterys":            176,
				"Device Of Cloakings":        112,
				"Medical Units":              134,
				"Heating Units":              600,
				"Ice Units":                  12,
				"Ground Weapons":             123,
				"Novelty Packs":              156,
				"Plastic Trinkets":           98,
				"Clothes Bundles":            290
		"Volcana": {
			"BeaconOn": false,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Device Of Cloakings":        187,
				"Medical Units":              143,
				"Heating Units":              18,
				"Ice Units":                  1232,
				"Ground Weapons":             98,
				"Tree Growth Kits":           345,
				"Clothes Bundles":            57
		"Metallica": {
			"BeaconOn": true,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Shield Batterys":            67,
				"Device Of Cloakings":        78,
				"AntiCloak Scanners":         87,
				"Ground Weapons":             63,
				"Tree Growth Kits":           576,
				"Fighter Drones":             322
		"Medoca": {
			"BeaconOn": true,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Medical Units":              23,
				"Ice Units":                  124,
				"Novelty Packs":              187,
				"Tree Growth Kits":           467,
				"Clothes Bundles":            54
		"Gojuon": {
			"BeaconOn": true,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Heating Units":              99,
				"Ice Units":                  1187,
				"Ground Weapons":             87,
				"Novelty Packs":              4384,
				"Tree Growth Kits":           89,
				"Plastic Trinkets":           12,
				"Clothes Bundles":            89
		"Desha Rockna": {
			"BeaconOn": true,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Medical Units":              134,
				"Heating Units":              124,
				"Ice Units":                  167,
				"Ground Weapons":             89,
				"Reactor Units":              97,
				"Tree Growth Kits":           674,
				"Jewels":                     68,
				"Clothes Bundles":            87
		"Dogafetch": {
			"BeaconOn": true,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Shield Batterys":            123,
				"Device Of Cloakings":        67,
				"Big Cargo Spaces":           134,
				"Medical Units":              123,
				"Ice Units":                  234,
				"Ground Weapons":             98,
				"Novelty Packs":              3750,
				"Tree Growth Kits":           87,
				"Plastic Trinkets":           1760,
				"Clothes Bundles":            23
		"Eden": {
			"BeaconOn": false,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Medical Units":              100,
				"Tree Growth Kits":           11,
				"Eden Warp Units":            100
		"Richiana": {
			"BeaconOn": true,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Device Of Cloakings":        157,
				"Medical Units":              654,
				"Heating Units":              564,
				"Ice Units":                  2538,
				"Ground Weapons":             754,
				"Novelty Packs":              1277,
				"Tree Growth Kits":           498,
				"Jewels":                     323,
				"Plastic Trinkets":           2783,
				"Clothes Bundles":            465
		"Tribonia": {
			"BeaconOn": true,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Medical Units":              187,
				"Heating Units":              345,
				"Ground Weapons":             1953,
				"Novelty Packs":              5736,
				"Tree Growth Kits":           76,
				"Jewels":                     96,
				"Plastic Trinkets":           4,
				"Clothes Bundles":            898
		"Dune": {
			"BeaconOn": true,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Shield Batterys":            143,
				"Device Of Cloakings":        176,
				"Medical Units":              198,
				"Heating Units":              100,
				"Ice Units":                  876,
				"Ground Weapons":             122,
				"Reactor Units":              85,
				"Tree Growth Kits":           890,
				"Jewels":                     88
		"Plague": {
			"BeaconOn": true,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Medical Units":              239,
				"Heating Units":              88,
				"Novelty Packs":              3321,
				"Tree Growth Kits":           87,
				"Jewels":                     100,
				"Plastic Trinkets":           133,
				"Clothes Bundles":            90
		"Norhaven": {
			"BeaconOn": true,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Shield Batterys":            100,
				"Device Of Cloakings":        88,
				"AntiCloak Scanners":         89,
				"Big Cargo Spaces":           100,
				"Medical Units":              132,
				"Heating Units":              122,
				"Ice Units":                  95,
				"Ground Weapons":             88,
				"Reactor Units":              100,
				"Novelty Packs":              60,
				"Tree Growth Kits":           99,
				"Jewels":                     233,
				"Plastic Trinkets":           87,
				"Clothes Bundles":            100,
				"Fighter Drones":             106,
				"Onboard Printing Kits":      100
		"Loony": {
			"BeaconOn": true,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Shield Batterys":            500,
				"Device Of Cloakings":        55,
				"AntiCloak Scanners":         107,
				"Medical Units":              1123,
				"Heating Units":              100,
				"Ice Units":                  2324,
				"Novelty Packs":              1942,
				"Plastic Trinkets":           2002,
				"Clothes Bundles":            67
		"WeaponWorld": {
			"BeaconOn": true,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Shield Batterys":            100,
				"Device Of Cloakings":        98,
				"AntiCloak Scanners":         88,
				"Medical Units":              100,
				"Heating Units":              100,
				"Ice Units":                  121,
				"Ground Weapons":             3,
				"Jewels":                     287,
				"Plastic Trinkets":           112,
				"Clothes Bundles":            100,
				"Fighter Drones":             96,
				"Utopia Planetary Defenses":  100,
				"Onboard Printing Kits":      100
		"Zoolie": {
			"BeaconOn": true,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Medical Units":              78,
				"Heating Units":              344,
				"Ice Units":                  2500,
				"Novelty Packs":              365,
				"Tree Growth Kits":           980,
				"Plastic Trinkets":           100,
				"Clothes Bundles":            100
		"Baboria": {
			"BeaconOn": true,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Medical Units":              100,
				"Heating Units":              122,
				"Ice Units":                  88,
				"Ground Weapons":             233,
				"Novelty Packs":              544,
				"Tree Growth Kits":           398,
				"Jewels":                     234,
				"Plastic Trinkets":           4540,
				"Clothes Bundles":            345
		"StockWorld": {
			"BeaconOn": true,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Shield Batterys":            103,
				"Device Of Cloakings":        102,
				"AntiCloak Scanners":         99,
				"Medical Units":              101,
				"Heating Units":              105,
				"Ice Units":                  97,
				"Ground Weapons":             95,
				"Reactor Units":              100,
				"Novelty Packs":              107,
				"Tree Growth Kits":           94,
				"Jewels":                     111,
				"Plastic Trinkets":           110,
				"Clothes Bundles":            98
		"HugeLind Mar": {
			"BeaconOn": true,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Device Of Cloakings":        123,
				"Medical Units":              117,
				"Heating Units":              189,
				"Ice Units":                  167,
				"Ground Weapons":             1673,
				"Jewels":                     88,
				"Clothes Bundles":            1320
		"Sickonia": {
			"BeaconOn": true,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Medical Units":              1756,
				"Heating Units":              100,
				"Ice Units":                  566,
				"Tree Growth Kits":           354,
				"Clothes Bundles":            1302
		"Schooloria": {
			"BeaconOn": false,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Heating Units":              100,
				"Ice Units":                  100,
				"Ground Weapons":             6,
				"Tree Growth Kits":           234,
				"Jewels":                     134
		"Uniland": {
			"BeaconOn": false,
			"RelativePrices": {
		"HomeWorld": {
			"BeaconOn": true,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Medical Units":              1783,
				"Heating Units":              232,
				"Ice Units":                  3223,
				"Ground Weapons":             34,
				"Novelty Packs":              345,
				"Jewels":                     123,
				"Plastic Trinkets":           543,
				"Clothes Bundles":            123
		"Dreamora": {
			"BeaconOn": true,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Device Of Cloakings":        123,
				"Medical Units":              87,
				"Heating Units":              101,
				"Ice Units":                  783,
				"Tree Growth Kits":           103,
				"Plastic Trinkets":           1489,
				"Clothes Bundles":            908,
				"Fighter Drones":             101
		"Nirvana": {
			"BeaconOn": true,
			"RelativePrices": {
				"Device Of Cloakings":        67,
				"AntiCloak Scanners":         92,
				"Medical Units":              56,
				"Heating Units":              78,
				"Ice Units":                  34,
				"Novelty Packs":              44,
				"Tree Growth Kits":           54,
				"Jewels":                     89,
				"Plastic Trinkets":           24,
				"Clothes Bundles":            68