#!/bin/bash exit_status=0 function t() { expected=$1 shift diff -u --label Expected <( echo -n "$expected" ) \ --label Actual <( ./planeteer "$@" ) || exit_status=1 } t ' 850,000 Buy 300 Medical Units 850,000 Jump from Earth to Sickonia (2 hyper jump units) 3,220,600 Sell 300 Medical Units 2,770,600 Buy 300 Heating Units 2,770,600 Jump from Sickonia to Hothor (2 hyper jump units) 5,200,600 Sell 300 Heating Units 4,999,600 Buy 300 Medical Units 4,999,600 Jump from Hothor to Sickonia (2 hyper jump units) 7,370,200 Sell 300 Medical Units 6,920,200 Buy 300 Heating Units 6,920,200 Jump from Sickonia to Hothor (2 hyper jump units) 9,350,200 Sell 300 Heating Units 9,149,200 Buy 300 Medical Units 9,149,200 Jump from Hothor to Sickonia (2 hyper jump units) 11,519,800 Sell 300 Medical Units 11,069,800 Buy 300 Heating Units 11,069,800 Jump from Sickonia to Hothor (2 hyper jump units) 13,499,800 Sell 300 Heating Units 13,298,800 Buy 300 Medical Units 13,298,800 Jump from Hothor to Sickonia (2 hyper jump units) 15,669,400 Sell 300 Medical Units 15,219,400 Buy 300 Heating Units 15,219,400 Jump from Sickonia to Hothor (2 hyper jump units) 17,649,400 Sell 300 Heating Units ' --funds 1000000 --start Earth t '' --funds 1000000 --start Earth --fuel 0 t ' 850,000 Buy 300 Medical Units 850,000 Jump from Earth to HomeWorld (2 hyper jump units) 3,256,900 Sell 300 Medical Units ' --funds 1000000 --start Earth --fuel 2 t ' 850,000 Buy 300 Medical Units 850,000 Jump from Earth to Sickonia (2 hyper jump units) 3,220,600 Sell 300 Medical Units 2,770,600 Buy 300 Heating Units 2,770,600 Jump from Sickonia to Hothor (2 hyper jump units) 5,200,600 Sell 300 Heating Units ' --funds 1000000 --start Earth --fuel 4 t ' 850,000 Buy 300 Medical Units 850,000 Jump from Earth to Sickonia (2 hyper jump units) 3,220,600 Sell 300 Medical Units 2,770,600 Buy 300 Heating Units 2,770,600 Jump from Sickonia to Hothor (2 hyper jump units) 5,200,600 Sell 300 Heating Units 4,999,600 Buy 300 Medical Units 4,999,600 Jump from Hothor to HomeWorld (2 hyper jump units) 7,406,500 Sell 300 Medical Units ' --funds 1000000 --start Earth --fuel 6 exit "$exit_status"