2022-04-16 Scott WorleyStart on 3.0.9
2022-04-16 Scott WorleyRelease 3.0.8 v3.0.8
2022-04-16 Scott Worleygit-cache: New fetch URL
2022-04-16 Scott WorleyAppease new pylint
2022-04-16 Scott WorleyNew pylint likes f-strings
2022-04-16 Scott WorleyNew pylint likes 'with'
2022-04-16 Scott WorleyFix tests after restricted mode support update
2022-04-16 Scott WorleyStart on 3.0.8
2022-02-02 Scott WorleyRelease 3.0.7 v3.0.7
2022-02-02 Scott WorleyDon't leave old channels laying around
2022-02-02 Scott WorleyStart on 3.0.7
2022-01-19 Scott WorleyRelease 3.0.6 v3.0.6
2022-01-19 Scott WorleySupport restricted mode: Allow manifest access with...
2022-01-14 Scott WorleyAnnounce test names as they are run.
2022-01-14 Scott WorleySupport restricted mode: Allow tarball access with...
2022-01-14 Scott WorleyUse nix 2.3 because 2.4 broke <nix/unpack-channel.nix>
2022-01-13 Scott WorleyDeprecation notice
2021-11-07 Scott WorleyShow channel fetch URL
2022-01-14 Scott WorleyStart on 3.0.6
2021-07-09 Scott WorleyRelease 3.0.5 v3.0.5
2021-07-09 Scott WorleyShow filename being hashed
2021-07-09 Scott Worleyfallback git-cache 1.3.1 -> 1.4.1
2021-07-09 Scott WorleyQuiet git init.defaultBranch hints during test runs
2021-07-09 Scott WorleyAppease linter: No global variables
2021-07-09 Scott WorleyStart on 3.0.5
2021-06-08 Scott Worleyfallback git-cache 1.2.1 -> 1.3.1
2021-06-07 Scott WorleyRelease 3.0.4 v3.0.4
2021-06-07 Scott WorleyUse nix from nixpkgs (not from PATH) to avoid nixUnstable
2021-06-07 Scott WorleyStart on 3.0.4
2021-05-20 Scott WorleyRelease 3.0.3 v3.0.3
2021-05-20 Scott WorleyDon't pass --experimental-features to old nix
2021-05-20 Scott WorleyStart on 3.0.3
2021-02-17 Scott WorleyRelease 3.0.2 v3.0.2
2021-02-17 Scott WorleyDon't require experimental-features=nix-command in...
2021-02-17 Scott WorleyStart on 3.0.2
2020-08-04 Scott WorleyRelease 3.0.1 v3.0.1
2020-08-04 Scott Worleyfallback git-cache 1.0.0 -> 1.2.1
2020-08-04 Scott WorleyMake tests fast again when using recent git-cache with...
2020-07-17 Scott WorleyLinks & feature comparison with require.nix, niv, flakes
2020-07-15 Scott WorleyFix typo in README
2020-07-15 Scott WorleyStart on 3.0.1
2020-07-11 Scott WorleyRelease 3.0.0 v3.0.0
2020-07-10 Scott WorleyMove git_cache out to a separate library
2020-06-30 Scott WorleyStart on 3.0.0
2020-07-01 Scott Worley2.1.1: Pin faster 2.1.1
2020-06-30 Scott WorleyRelease 2.1.0 2.1.0
2020-06-30 Scott WorleySpecify profile path with --profile
2020-06-18 Scott WorleyBegin keeping a changelog
2020-06-18 Scott WorleyFactor out symlink_archive()
2020-06-18 Scott WorleyStart on 2.1.0
2020-06-18 Scott WorleyRelease 2.0.0 2.0.0
2020-06-18 Scott WorleySupport old mypy version 0.701
2020-06-17 Scott WorleyAdd symlink SearchPath type
2020-06-17 Scott WorleyVerify unknown config fields raise errors
2020-06-17 Scott WorleyProcess alias and non-alias configs separately
2020-06-17 Scott WorleyFactor out pin check
2020-06-17 Scott WorleyRename read_search_path -> read_config_section
2020-06-17 Scott WorleyRemove assert that's now handled by types
2020-06-16 Scott WorleyImmutable SearchPaths
2020-06-16 Scott WorleyPrefer more type-safe NamedTuple over SimpleNamespace
2020-06-15 Scott WorleyContinue pulling release_name and git_revision out...
2020-06-15 Scott WorleyContinue pulling release_name and git_revision out...
2020-06-15 Scott WorleyContinue pulling release_name and git_revision out...
2020-06-15 Scott WorleyContinue pulling release_name and git_revision out...
2020-06-15 Scott WorleyStart pulling release_name and git_revision out of...
2020-06-15 Scott WorleyFix not-pinned check
2020-06-15 Scott WorleyRename top-level command functions
2020-06-15 Scott Worleyfetch_resource is just for Channels
2020-06-15 Scott WorleyMove pin_channel() into
2020-06-15 Scott WorleyRequire type to be specified in config
2020-06-15 Scott WorleyKeep config mutability at top level
2020-06-13 Scott Worleypolymorphic fetch()
2020-06-13 Scott WorleyPolymorphic pin()
2020-06-13 Scott WorleyIntroduce types {Git,Channel}SearchPath
2020-06-13 Scott WorleyRename Channel -> TarrableSearchPath
2020-06-13 Scott WorleyUse type rather than field presence
2020-06-13 Scott WorleySplit AliasSearchPath out of Channel
2020-06-13 Scott WorleyDuplicate searchpath checking in one place
2020-06-13 Scott Worleyread_search_path returns a SearchPath
2020-06-13 Scott WorleyMake fetch_channel a Channel method
2020-06-13 Scott WorleyMake pin() a Channel method
2020-06-13 Scott WorleyRe-order definitions
2020-06-13 Scott WorleyIntroduce read_search_path()
2020-06-13 Scott WorleyIntroduce SearchPath type
2020-06-18 Scott WorleyRelease: 1.5.1 1.5.1
2020-06-17 Scott WorleySupport multiple versions of mypy
2020-06-12 Scott WorleySupport "log.showSignature = true" 1.5
2020-06-11 Scott WorleySeparate test and lint 1.4
2020-06-11 Scott WorleyOmit build directories from mypy run
2020-06-11 Scott WorleyBuild like a real Python package
2020-06-11 Scott WorleyDon't hide stderr
2020-06-11 Scott WorleyTests use a private /nix/store
2020-06-11 Scott WorleySet git user in test harness
2020-06-11 Scott WorleyHandle 0 terminal width
2020-06-11 Scott WorleySpell "log" in "git log" correctly
2020-06-02 Scott WorleyDon't depend upon xdg 1.3
2020-06-02 Scott WorleyCache nix store paths of generated tarballs
2020-05-29 Scott WorleyRun tests on commit
2020-05-29 Scott WorleyFactor out fetch_channel
2020-05-29 Scott WorleyBetter error message for running "update" before "pin"