+ verify_git_ancestry(v, channel)
+def ensure_git_rev_available(
+ v: Verification,
+ channel: TarrableSearchPath) -> None:
+ cachedir = git_cachedir(channel.git_repo)
+ if os.path.exists(cachedir):
+ v.status('Checking if we already have this rev:')
+ process = subprocess.run(
+ ['git', '-C', cachedir, 'cat-file', '-e', channel.git_revision])
+ if process.returncode == 0:
+ v.status('yes')
+ if process.returncode == 1:
+ v.status('no')
+ v.result(process.returncode == 0 or process.returncode == 1)
+ if process.returncode == 0:
+ verify_git_ancestry(v, channel)
+ return
+ git_fetch(v, channel)
+def compare_tarball_and_git(
+ v: Verification,
+ channel: TarrableSearchPath,
+ channel_contents: str,
+ git_contents: str) -> None:
+ v.status('Comparing channel tarball with git checkout')
+ match, mismatch, errors = compare(os.path.join(
+ channel_contents, channel.release_name), git_contents)
+ v.ok()
+ v.check('%d files match' % len(match), len(match) > 0)
+ v.check('%d files differ' % len(mismatch), len(mismatch) == 0)
+ expected_errors = [
+ '.git-revision',
+ '.version-suffix',
+ 'nixpkgs',
+ 'programs.sqlite',
+ 'svn-revision']
+ benign_errors = []
+ for ee in expected_errors:
+ if ee in errors:
+ errors.remove(ee)
+ benign_errors.append(ee)
+ v.check(
+ '%d unexpected incomparable files' %
+ len(errors),
+ len(errors) == 0)
+ v.check(
+ '(%d of %d expected incomparable files)' %
+ (len(benign_errors),
+ len(expected_errors)),
+ len(benign_errors) == len(expected_errors))
+def extract_tarball(
+ v: Verification,
+ channel: TarrableSearchPath,
+ dest: str) -> None:
+ v.status('Extracting tarball %s' %
+ channel.table['nixexprs.tar.xz'].file)
+ shutil.unpack_archive(
+ channel.table['nixexprs.tar.xz'].file,
+ dest)
+ v.ok()
+def git_checkout(
+ v: Verification,
+ channel: TarrableSearchPath,
+ dest: str) -> None:
+ v.status('Checking out corresponding git revision')
+ git = subprocess.Popen(['git',
+ '-C',
+ git_cachedir(channel.git_repo),
+ 'archive',
+ channel.git_revision],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ tar = subprocess.Popen(
+ ['tar', 'x', '-C', dest, '-f', '-'], stdin=git.stdout)
+ if git.stdout:
+ git.stdout.close()
+ tar.wait()
+ git.wait()
+ v.result(git.returncode == 0 and tar.returncode == 0)
+def git_get_tarball(v: Verification, channel: TarrableSearchPath) -> str:
+ cache_file = tarball_cache_file(channel)
+ if os.path.exists(cache_file):
+ cached_tarball = open(cache_file).read(9999)
+ if os.path.exists(cached_tarball):
+ return cached_tarball
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as output_dir:
+ output_filename = os.path.join(
+ output_dir, channel.release_name + '.tar.xz')
+ with open(output_filename, 'w') as output_file:
+ v.status(
+ 'Generating tarball for git revision %s' %
+ channel.git_revision)
+ git = subprocess.Popen(['git',
+ '-C',
+ git_cachedir(channel.git_repo),
+ 'archive',
+ '--prefix=%s/' % channel.release_name,
+ channel.git_revision],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ xz = subprocess.Popen(['xz'], stdin=git.stdout, stdout=output_file)
+ xz.wait()
+ git.wait()
+ v.result(git.returncode == 0 and xz.returncode == 0)
+ v.status('Putting tarball in Nix store')
+ process = subprocess.run(
+ ['nix-store', '--add', output_filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ v.result(process.returncode == 0)
+ store_tarball = process.stdout.decode().strip()
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(cache_file), exist_ok=True)
+ open(cache_file, 'w').write(store_tarball)
+ return store_tarball # type: ignore # (for old mypy)