+ fields = channel.table[resource]
+ fields.absolute_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(
+ channel.forwarded_url, fields.url)
+ fields.file = fetch_with_nix_prefetch_url(
+ v, fields.absolute_url, fields.digest)
+ v.status('Verifying git commit on main page matches git commit in table')
+ v.result(
+ open(
+ channel.table['git-revision'].file).read(999) == channel.git_revision)
+def git_cachedir(git_repo: str) -> str:
+ # TODO: Consider using pyxdg to find this path.
+ return os.path.expanduser(
+ '~/.cache/pinch/git/%s' %
+ digest_string(
+ git_repo.encode()))
+def verify_git_ancestry(v: Verification, channel: Channel) -> None:
+ cachedir = git_cachedir(channel.git_repo)
+ v.status('Verifying rev is an ancestor of ref')
+ process = subprocess.run(['git',
+ '-C',
+ cachedir,
+ 'merge-base',
+ '--is-ancestor',
+ channel.git_revision,
+ channel.git_ref])
+ v.result(process.returncode == 0)
+ if hasattr(channel, 'old_git_revision'):
+ v.status(
+ 'Verifying rev is an ancestor of previous rev %s' %
+ channel.old_git_revision)
+ process = subprocess.run(['git',
+ '-C',
+ cachedir,
+ 'merge-base',
+ '--is-ancestor',
+ channel.old_git_revision,
+ channel.git_revision])
+ v.result(process.returncode == 0)
+def git_fetch(v: Verification, channel: Channel) -> None:
+ # It would be nice if we could share the nix git cache, but as of the time
+ # of writing it is transitioning from gitv2 (deprecated) to gitv3 (not ready
+ # yet), and trying to straddle them both is too far into nix implementation
+ # details for my comfort. So we re-implement here half of nix.fetchGit.
+ # :(
+ cachedir = git_cachedir(channel.git_repo)
+ if not os.path.exists(cachedir):
+ v.status("Initializing git repo")
+ process = subprocess.run(
+ ['git', 'init', '--bare', cachedir])
+ v.result(process.returncode == 0)
+ v.status('Fetching ref "%s" from %s' % (channel.git_ref, channel.git_repo))
+ # We don't use --force here because we want to abort and freak out if forced
+ # updates are happening.
+ process = subprocess.run(['git',
+ '-C',
+ cachedir,
+ 'fetch',
+ channel.git_repo,
+ '%s:%s' % (channel.git_ref,
+ channel.git_ref)])
+ v.result(process.returncode == 0)
+ if hasattr(channel, 'git_revision'):
+ v.status('Verifying that fetch retrieved this rev')
+ process = subprocess.run(
+ ['git', '-C', cachedir, 'cat-file', '-e', channel.git_revision])
+ v.result(process.returncode == 0)
+ else:
+ channel.git_revision = open(
+ os.path.join(
+ cachedir,
+ 'refs',
+ 'heads',
+ channel.git_ref)).read(999).strip()
+ verify_git_ancestry(v, channel)
+def ensure_git_rev_available(v: Verification, channel: Channel) -> None:
+ cachedir = git_cachedir(channel.git_repo)
+ if os.path.exists(cachedir):
+ v.status('Checking if we already have this rev:')
+ process = subprocess.run(
+ ['git', '-C', cachedir, 'cat-file', '-e', channel.git_revision])
+ if process.returncode == 0:
+ v.status('yes')
+ if process.returncode == 1:
+ v.status('no')
+ v.result(process.returncode == 0 or process.returncode == 1)
+ if process.returncode == 0:
+ verify_git_ancestry(v, channel)
+ return
+ git_fetch(v, channel)
+def compare_tarball_and_git(
+ v: Verification,
+ channel: Channel,
+ channel_contents: str,
+ git_contents: str) -> None:
+ v.status('Comparing channel tarball with git checkout')
+ match, mismatch, errors = compare(os.path.join(
+ channel_contents, channel.release_name), git_contents)
+ v.ok()
+ v.check('%d files match' % len(match), len(match) > 0)
+ v.check('%d files differ' % len(mismatch), len(mismatch) == 0)
+ expected_errors = [
+ '.git-revision',
+ '.version-suffix',
+ 'nixpkgs',
+ 'programs.sqlite',
+ 'svn-revision']
+ benign_errors = []
+ for ee in expected_errors:
+ if ee in errors:
+ errors.remove(ee)
+ benign_errors.append(ee)
+ v.check(
+ '%d unexpected incomparable files' %
+ len(errors),
+ len(errors) == 0)
+ v.check(
+ '(%d of %d expected incomparable files)' %
+ (len(benign_errors),
+ len(expected_errors)),
+ len(benign_errors) == len(expected_errors))
+def extract_tarball(v: Verification, channel: Channel, dest: str) -> None:
+ v.status('Extracting tarball %s' %
+ channel.table['nixexprs.tar.xz'].file)
+ shutil.unpack_archive(
+ channel.table['nixexprs.tar.xz'].file,
+ dest)
+ v.ok()
+def git_checkout(v: Verification, channel: Channel, dest: str) -> None:
+ v.status('Checking out corresponding git revision')
+ git = subprocess.Popen(['git',
+ '-C',
+ git_cachedir(channel.git_repo),
+ 'archive',
+ channel.git_revision],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ tar = subprocess.Popen(
+ ['tar', 'x', '-C', dest, '-f', '-'], stdin=git.stdout)
+ git.stdout.close()
+ tar.wait()
+ git.wait()
+ v.result(git.returncode == 0 and tar.returncode == 0)
+def git_get_tarball(v: Verification, channel: Channel) -> str:
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as output_dir:
+ output_filename = os.path.join(
+ output_dir, channel.release_name + '.tar.xz')
+ with open(output_filename, 'w') as output_file:
+ v.status(
+ 'Generating tarball for git revision %s' %
+ channel.git_revision)
+ git = subprocess.Popen(['git',
+ '-C',
+ git_cachedir(channel.git_repo),
+ 'archive',
+ '--prefix=%s/' % channel.release_name,
+ channel.git_revision],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ xz = subprocess.Popen(['xz'], stdin=git.stdout, stdout=output_file)
+ xz.wait()
+ git.wait()
+ v.result(git.returncode == 0 and xz.returncode == 0)
+ v.status('Putting tarball in Nix store')
+ process = subprocess.run(
+ ['nix-store', '--add', output_filename], capture_output=True)
+ v.result(process.returncode == 0)
+ return process.stdout.decode().strip()
+def check_channel_metadata(
+ v: Verification,
+ channel: Channel,
+ channel_contents: str) -> None:
+ v.status('Verifying git commit in channel tarball')
+ v.result(
+ open(
+ os.path.join(
+ channel_contents,
+ channel.release_name,
+ '.git-revision')).read(999) == channel.git_revision)
+ v.status(
+ 'Verifying version-suffix is a suffix of release name %s:' %
+ channel.release_name)
+ version_suffix = open(
+ os.path.join(
+ channel_contents,
+ channel.release_name,
+ '.version-suffix')).read(999)
+ v.status(version_suffix)
+ v.result(channel.release_name.endswith(version_suffix))
+def check_channel_contents(v: Verification, channel: Channel) -> None:
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as channel_contents, \
+ tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as git_contents:
+ extract_tarball(v, channel, channel_contents)
+ check_channel_metadata(v, channel, channel_contents)
+ git_checkout(v, channel, git_contents)
+ compare_tarball_and_git(v, channel, channel_contents, git_contents)
+ v.status('Removing temporary directories')
+ v.ok()
+def pin_channel(v: Verification, channel: Channel) -> None:
+ fetch(v, channel)
+ parse_channel(v, channel)
+ fetch_resources(v, channel)
+ ensure_git_rev_available(v, channel)
+ check_channel_contents(v, channel)
+def git_revision_name(v: Verification, channel: Channel) -> str:
+ v.status('Getting commit date')
+ process = subprocess.run(['git',
+ '-C',
+ git_cachedir(channel.git_repo),
+ 'lo',
+ '-n1',
+ '--format=%ct-%h',
+ '--abbrev=11',
+ channel.git_revision],
+ capture_output=True)
+ v.result(process.returncode == 0 and process.stdout != '')
+ return '%s-%s' % (os.path.basename(channel.git_repo),
+ process.stdout.decode().strip())
+def pin(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
+ v = Verification()
+ config = configparser.ConfigParser()
+ config.read_file(open(args.channels_file), args.channels_file)
+ for section in config.sections():
+ if args.channels and section not in args.channels:
+ continue
+ channel = Channel(**dict(config[section].items()))
+ if hasattr(channel, 'git_revision'):
+ channel.old_git_revision = channel.git_revision
+ del channel.git_revision
+ if 'channel_url' in config[section]:
+ pin_channel(v, channel)
+ config[section]['release_name'] = channel.release_name
+ config[section]['tarball_url'] = channel.table['nixexprs.tar.xz'].absolute_url
+ config[section]['tarball_sha256'] = channel.table['nixexprs.tar.xz'].digest