v.result(process.returncode == 0)
+def broken_symlinks_are_identical(root1: str, root2: str, path: str) -> bool:
+ a = os.path.join(root1, path)
+ b = os.path.join(root2, path)
+ return (os.path.islink(a)
+ and os.path.islink(b)
+ and not os.path.exists(a)
+ and not os.path.exists(b)
+ and os.readlink(a) == os.readlink(b))
def compare_tarball_and_git(
v: Verification,
pin: GitPin,
channel_contents: str,
git_contents: str) -> None:
v.status('Comparing channel tarball with git checkout')
- match, mismatch, errors = compare(os.path.join(
- channel_contents, pin.release_name), git_contents)
+ tarball_contents = os.path.join(channel_contents, pin.release_name)
+ match, mismatch, errors = compare(tarball_contents, git_contents)
v.check(f'{len(match)} files match', len(match) > 0)
v.check(f'{len(mismatch)} files differ', len(mismatch) == 0)
- permitted_errors = [
- 'pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/symlink-invalid/pkgs/by-name/fo/foo/foo.nix',
- ]
benign_expected_errors = []
- benign_permitted_errors = []
for ee in expected_errors:
if ee in errors:
- for pe in permitted_errors:
- if pe in errors:
- errors.remove(pe)
- benign_permitted_errors.append(ee)
+ errors = [
+ e for e in errors
+ if not broken_symlinks_are_identical(tarball_contents, git_contents, e)
+ ]
f'{len(errors)} unexpected incomparable files: {errors}',
len(errors) == 0)
f'({len(benign_expected_errors)} of {len(expected_errors)} expected incomparable files)',
len(benign_expected_errors) == len(expected_errors))
- v.check(
- f'({len(benign_permitted_errors)} of {len(permitted_errors)} permitted incomparable files)',
- len(benign_permitted_errors) <= len(permitted_errors))
def extract_tarball(