From: Scott Worley <>
Date: Sun, 19 Jul 2020 16:17:08 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: Move startup stuff to start()

Move startup stuff to start()

diff --git a/picsorter.html b/picsorter.html
index 5fdeab1..b28bff1 100644
--- a/picsorter.html
+++ b/picsorter.html
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
     <script src="picstosort.js"></script>
     <script src="picsorter.js"></script>
-  <body>
+  <body onload="start()">
     <div id="message" class="fade">Welcome to picsorter</div>
     <div class="inputcontainer"><input id="name" type="text"></input></div>
     <div class="inputcontainer"><textarea id="shell_out"></textarea></div>
diff --git a/picsorter.js b/picsorter.js
index e8561b3..d10631c 100644
--- a/picsorter.js
+++ b/picsorter.js
@@ -1,21 +1,12 @@
 var picinfo = {};
-if ("picsorter_picinfo" in localStorage) {
-  picinfo = JSON.parse(localStorage.picsorter_picinfo);
-$.each(files, function(i, f) {
-  if (!(f in picinfo)) {
-    picinfo[f] = {};
-  }
-function save_picinfo() {
-  localStorage.picsorter_picinfo = JSON.stringify(picinfo);
 var exposure = 20;
 var zoom = "sm/";
 var input_index = -1;
+function save_picinfo() {
+  localStorage.picsorter_picinfo = JSON.stringify(picinfo);
 function endsWith(str, suffix) {
   return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
@@ -204,39 +195,6 @@ function show_commands() {
-$(function() {
-  $("#name").hide().on("keyup", function(e) { e.which == 13 && set_name_from_form(); });
-  move_to_nondeleted(1);
-Mousetrap.bind('z', toggle_zoom);
-Mousetrap.bind('Z', function() { $("#pic").toggleClass("fit_view"); });
-Mousetrap.bind(['n', 'l'], function() { move_to_nondeleted(1); });
-Mousetrap.bind(['p', 'h'], function() { move_to_nondeleted(-1); });
-Mousetrap.bind(['N', 'L'], function() { move_to_unnamed(1); });
-Mousetrap.bind(['P', 'H'], function() { move_to_unnamed(-1); });
-Mousetrap.bind(['m n', 'm l'], function() { move(1); });
-Mousetrap.bind(['m n', 'm h'], function() { move(-1); });
-Mousetrap.bind(['b', 'k'], function() { change_exposure(1); });
-Mousetrap.bind(['d', 'j'], function() { change_exposure(-1); });
-Mousetrap.bind('0', move_to_begenning);
-Mousetrap.bind('$', move_to_end);
-Mousetrap.bind('x', function(){ mark_deleted("deleted"); });
-Mousetrap.bind('X', mark_not_deleted);
-Mousetrap.bind('e', function(){ mark_deleted("extra"); });
-Mousetrap.bind('E', mark_not_deleted);
-Mousetrap.bind('g', function(){ mark_deleted("blurry"); });
-Mousetrap.bind('G', mark_not_deleted);
-Mousetrap.bind('r', rotate);
-Mousetrap.bind('i', announce);
-Mousetrap.bind('f', function() { say(files[input_index]); });
-Mousetrap.bind('B', function() { say_exposure(); });
-Mousetrap.bind('c', function() { $("#name").show().focus(); return false; });
-Mousetrap.bind('C', function() { if (last_name) { set_name(last_name); } });
-Mousetrap.bind('%', function() { say((100 * input_index / files.length).toFixed(2) + "%"); });
-Mousetrap.bind('!', show_commands);
-Mousetrap.bind('esc', function() { $("#name").hide(); $("#shell_out").hide(); });
 function clean_picinfo() {
   files_index = {};
   $.each(files, function(i, f) {
@@ -256,3 +214,48 @@ function undelete_all() {
   say("Undeleted everything");
+function start() {
+  if ("picsorter_picinfo" in localStorage) {
+    picinfo = JSON.parse(localStorage.picsorter_picinfo);
+  }
+  $.each(files, function(i, f) {
+    if (!(f in picinfo)) {
+      picinfo[f] = {};
+    }
+  });
+  save_picinfo();
+  $(function() {
+    $("#name").hide().on("keyup", function(e) { e.which == 13 && set_name_from_form(); });
+    move_to_nondeleted(1);
+  });
+  Mousetrap.bind('z', toggle_zoom);
+  Mousetrap.bind('Z', function() { $("#pic").toggleClass("fit_view"); return false; });
+  Mousetrap.bind(['n', 'l'], function() { move_to_nondeleted(1); return false; });
+  Mousetrap.bind(['p', 'h'], function() { move_to_nondeleted(-1); return false; });
+  Mousetrap.bind(['N', 'L'], function() { move_to_unnamed(1); return false; });
+  Mousetrap.bind(['P', 'H'], function() { move_to_unnamed(-1); return false; });
+  Mousetrap.bind(['m n', 'm l'], function() { move(1); return false; });
+  Mousetrap.bind(['m n', 'm h'], function() { move(-1); return false; });
+  Mousetrap.bind(['b', 'k'], function() { change_exposure(1); return false; });
+  Mousetrap.bind(['d', 'j'], function() { change_exposure(-1); return false; });
+  Mousetrap.bind('0', move_to_begenning);
+  Mousetrap.bind('$', move_to_end);
+  Mousetrap.bind('x', function(){ mark_deleted("deleted"); return false; });
+  Mousetrap.bind('X', mark_not_deleted);
+  Mousetrap.bind('e', function(){ mark_deleted("extra"); return false; });
+  Mousetrap.bind('E', mark_not_deleted);
+  Mousetrap.bind('g', function(){ mark_deleted("blurry"); return false; });
+  Mousetrap.bind('G', mark_not_deleted);
+  Mousetrap.bind('r', rotate);
+  Mousetrap.bind('i', announce);
+  Mousetrap.bind('f', function() { say(files[input_index]); return false; });
+  Mousetrap.bind('B', say_exposure);
+  Mousetrap.bind('c', function() { $("#name").show().focus(); return false; });
+  Mousetrap.bind('C', function() { if (last_name) { set_name(last_name); } return false; });
+  Mousetrap.bind('%', function() { say((100 * input_index / files.length).toFixed(2) + "%"); return false; });
+  Mousetrap.bind('!', show_commands);
+  Mousetrap.bind('esc', function() { $("#name").hide(); $("#shell_out").hide(); return false; });