+def makeChunk(chunk_dom: Tag, image_store: ImageStore) -> Chunk:
+ def getIcon() -> str | None:
+ icon_div = chunk_dom.findChild('div', class_='post-icon')
+ if icon_div is None:
+ return None
+ assert isinstance(icon_div, Tag)
+ icon_img = icon_div.findChild('img')
+ if icon_img is None:
+ return None
+ assert isinstance(icon_img, Tag)
+ return image_store.get_image(icon_img.attrs['src'])
+ def getByClass(css_class: str) -> Tag | None:
+ tag = chunk_dom.findChild('div', class_=css_class)
+ assert tag is None or isinstance(tag, Tag)
+ return tag
+ def stripHREF(tag: Tag) -> None:
+ for c in tag.findChildren("a"):
+ if "href" in c.attrs:
+ del c.attrs["href"]
+ def getMeta(css_class: str) -> Tag | None:
+ tag = getByClass(css_class)
+ if tag is None:
+ return None
+ stripHREF(tag)
+ return tag
+ content = chunk_dom.findChild('div', class_='post-content')
+ assert isinstance(content, Tag)
+ return Chunk(getIcon(),
+ getMeta('post-character'),
+ getMeta('post-screenname'),
+ getMeta('post-author'),
+ content)
+class Layout(ABC):
+ @abstractmethod
+ def renderChunk(self, chunk: Chunk) -> bytes:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+class ContentOnlyLayout(Layout):
+ def __init__(self, texifier: Texifier) -> None:
+ self._texifier = texifier
+ def renderChunk(self, chunk: Chunk) -> bytes:
+ return self._texifier.texify(chunk.content) + b'\n'
+class BelowIconLayout(Layout):
+ def __init__(self, texifier: Texifier) -> None:
+ self._texifier = texifier
+ def renderChunk(self, chunk: Chunk) -> bytes:
+ meta = []
+ if chunk.icon:
+ meta += [br'\glowicon{%s}' % chunk.icon.encode('UTF-8')]
+ meta += [self._texifier.texify(x)
+ for x in [chunk.character, chunk.screen_name, chunk.author]
+ if x is not None]
+ return br'''\wrapstuffclear
+ \smash{\parbox[t][0pt]{0pt}{
+ \setlength{\fboxrule}{0.2pt}
+ \setlength{\fboxsep}{0pt}
+ \vspace{-3.4pt}
+ \fbox{\hspace{107mm}}
+ }\\*}
+ \vspace{-1em}
+\noindent %s
+''' % (
+ br'\\*'.join(meta),
+ self._texifier.texify(chunk.content))
+class BesideIconLayout(Layout):
+ def __init__(self, texifier: Texifier) -> None:
+ self._texifier = texifier
+ def renderChunk(self, chunk: Chunk) -> bytes:
+ meta = [
+ chunk.character,
+ chunk.screen_name,
+ chunk.author,
+ ]
+ # Why is \textwidth not the width of the text?
+ # Why is the width of the text .765\textwidth?
+ return br'''\noindent\fbox{
+\noindent %s
+''' % (
+ br'\glowicon{%s}' % chunk.icon.encode('UTF-8') if chunk.icon else b'',
+ br'\\*'.join(self._texifier.texify(x) for x in meta if x is not None),
+ self._texifier.texify(chunk.content))