from domfilter import ApplyDOMFilters, DOMFilters
from fetch import CachingFetcher
+from glowfic import BelowIconLayout
from htmlfilter import ApplyHTMLFilters, HTMLFilters
from images import DiskImageStore
from spec import Spec
def spec_from_commandline_args() -> Iterator[Spec]:
args = _command_line_parser().parse_args()
+ texifier = PandocTexifier(args.pandoc or 'pandoc')
with CachingFetcher(args.cache_path, args.timeout) as fetcher:
with open(args.out + '.tex', 'wb') as texout:
yield Spec(
DiskImageStore(args.out + '_images', fetcher),
lambda x: ApplyHTMLFilters(args.htmlfilters, x),
lambda x: ApplyDOMFilters(args.domfilters, x),
- PandocTexifier(args.pandoc or 'pandoc'),
+ BelowIconLayout(texifier),