# paperdoorknob: Print glowfic # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, version 3. import unittest import io import subprocess import paperdoorknob from testing.fakeserver import FakeGlowficServer from fetch import DirectFetcher from texify import PandocTexifier TIMEOUT = 8 class TestPaperDoorknob(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: self._server = self.enterContext(FakeGlowficServer()) self._port = self._server.port() def testReplies(self) -> None: with DirectFetcher(TIMEOUT) as f: replies = paperdoorknob.replies( paperdoorknob.clean( paperdoorknob.parse( f.fetch(f"http://localhost:{self._port}")))) self.assertEqual([r.text.strip() for r in replies], ["This is glowfic", "You sure?", "Pretty sure."]) def testProcess(self) -> None: texifier = PandocTexifier('pandoc') with DirectFetcher(TIMEOUT) as f: buf = io.BytesIO() paperdoorknob.process( f"http://localhost:{self._port}", f, texifier, buf) self.assertEqual(buf.getvalue(), b'''\\documentclass{article} \\begin{document} This is glowfic You \\emph{sure}? Pretty sure. \\end{document} ''') def testPDF(self) -> None: texifier = PandocTexifier('pandoc') with DirectFetcher(TIMEOUT) as f: with open("test.tex", 'wb') as out: paperdoorknob.process( f"http://localhost:{self._port}", f, texifier, out) subprocess.run(['pdflatex', 'test.tex'], stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, check=True) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()