X-Git-Url: http://git.scottworley.com/overonion/blobdiff_plain/b88d75ad2dc471edd9da2e0678e6788175305f9e..ecbdad2fd6276565f76e3ae835fcb8429bc54cac:/overonion-make-key

diff --git a/overonion-make-key b/overonion-make-key
index 6cfc349..0ff9776 100755
--- a/overonion-make-key
+++ b/overonion-make-key
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
   bf-cbc bf-cfb bf-ecb bf-ofb
   cast-cbc cast5-cbc cast5-cfb cast5-ecb cast5-ofb
@@ -14,6 +17,9 @@ ciphers=(
   aes-192-cbc aes-192-cfb aes-192-cfb1 aes-192-cfb8 aes-192-ecb aes-192-ofb
   aes-256-cbc aes-256-cfb aes-256-cfb1 aes-256-cfb8 aes-256-ecb aes-256-ofb
+  sha sha1 mdc2 ripemd160 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512 md4 md5 dss1
 umask 077
@@ -24,18 +30,38 @@ if [[ "$1" == '--make_INSECURE_key' ]];then
 if (( $# != 1));then
-  echo "usage: overonion-make-key keyfile"
+  echo "usage: overonion-make-key keyfile" >&2
   exit 1
 if [[ -e "$keyfile" ]];then
-  echo "That keyfile already exists.  I refuse to overwrite it."
+  echo "That keyfile already exists.  I refuse to overwrite it." >&2
   exit 1
-while read -r cipher;do
-  echo -n $'\r'"Generating key $((++i))/${#ciphers[*]}"
-  cat >> "$keyfile" <<< "$cipher $(head -c 99 "$random_source" | base64 --wrap=0 )"
-done < <( IFS=$'\n'; shuf <<< "${ciphers[*]}"; )
+keys_needed=$((${#ciphers[*]} * 2 + ${#hashes[*]} * 4))
+function generate_keys() {
+  while read -r cipher;do
+    echo -n $'\r'"Generating key $((++keys_generated))/$keys_needed " >&2
+    echo "openssl-enc $cipher $(head -c "$key_size" "$random_source" | base64 --wrap=0 )"
+  done < <( IFS=$'\n'; shuf <<< "${ciphers[*]}"; )
+function generate_hashes() {
+  while read -r hash;do
+    echo -n $'\r'"Generating salt $((keys_generated += 2))/$keys_needed" >&2
+    echo "openssl-dgst $hash $(head -c "$hash_salt_size" "$random_source" | base64 --wrap=0 ) $(head -c "$hash_salt_size" "$random_source" | base64 --wrap=0 )"
+  done < <( IFS=$'\n'; shuf <<< "${hashes[*]}"; )
+  generate_hashes
+  generate_keys
+  echo "reverse"
+  generate_keys
+  generate_hashes
+} > "$keyfile"
+echo 2>&1